YankeeJim: The 4 questions Chad answered were well presented. I'd rather see another half hour of questions answered like this instead of a very confusing and distracting Q & A. Take the questions directly from the appropriate thread established for that very reason, one with questions only and no discussion in the thread.
This is correct absolutley, we dont need a Q&A we just need all the pending rtequests and questions that have been left hanging for SO LONG addressed.
Personally i felt that all the posts we have made in all these "MrWGT Chat" threads ASKING for our questions was a sham. Ignored.
NONE of them were addressed. Sorry, maybe 1 , perhaps 2 of them.
The look on Chads face when posed with one of these 'ageing'; questions was one of surprise. He knew nothing of it.
His "road map", obviously consists of very litle community requests.
Its amazing what the eyes can portray.
I appreciate that my CC questions were addressed, but the generic question posed 'on my behalf' did NOT ask the specific questions that not only I, but many others have been wanting for so long. CC tiered tourneys, Owner priviledges etc/
We need access to the Product Manager or HIS sidekick. Pizza boys just aint cutting it. IMO
If anyone is intrested I took 'miniutes of the whole discussion, complete with screen shots.
There is a lot of text, I didnt transcribe word for word, but i didnt embelish anything either. In fact rewinding to make sure i understood the answer or the 'gist' of the answer.
As I put these minutes together i also had placed some of my own 'thoughts' as well.
If i get a few people who understand the transcription isnt word for word and wont flame me for that and/ or other possible errors, i'll create a new thread of the 'minutes'.
Why this hasnt already been done, by the Pizza boy or someone else, is also an unanswered question.
is THIS Pizza boy?
I appreciate Chad taking the time to do this. I appreciate the effort and acknowledge the possible sincere effort to establish a Community feedback/ update venue.
It obviously is a good step in the right direction.
I want to thank Pizza boy for his ..effort with this and those involved in putting chad live to us as well.