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Tier Specify Equipment - Part II

Fri, Nov 23 2012 11:25 PM (23 replies)
  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 12:12 AM


    This is the perfect time to start a new thread and continue the discussion from the previous thread made by myself. Let's keep this argument free please. Let me hear your feedback!

    With WGT's new system to combat sandbaggers, they have hit a tough spot because the amount of multi accounting going on is just insane. Players are now tiering up faster than ever while leveling up at a slower pace. I can guarantee you that sales would increase dramatically when doing this. If you think about it, more players are turning Legend at 70 and 80 now - that's more than ever. They will almost be forced to buy the R11s or the Burners to compete with the higher level Legends and Tour Legends.

    You will make more money, and thats a fact! I believe so because there is less of a reason to multi account. Players don't have to panic because they don't have the proper tools. They now know that due to their skill level they can use clubs that coincide with their skills. You said it yourself - "If a player beats a player of a higher tier, they will now be tiered up faster than before. We believe that a player then has the proper skills to move up to the next tier." That isn't verbatim, but it's damn near close. 

    Players are dying to get the higher level equipment due to this change. I don't think it will hurt the current system at all.


  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 5:11 AM

    There is a side of this game that I think is in a way "untouched" by this topic ... the blitzes.  I like the fact that better gear does help but I sometimes rather to use 100% starter (gear and ball) and have lots of fun !

    Good post Jonathan ! ... WGT decided to act upon countless amount of  players' complaints regarding sandbagging ... and this is it ... no more extra-power from easier tees ;)

    AJ - Quijotazo

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 5:33 AM

    If a player beats a player of a higher tier, they will now be tiered up faster than before. We believe that a player then has the proper skills to move up to the next tier."

    Isn't that what Mr. WGT Said...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 5:45 AM

    Players are dying to get the higher level equipment due to this change. I don't think it will hurt the current system at all.

    Look deeper into the equation. The new clubs coming up are going to be available at levels that these players are being forced into. I would bet that the specs on these clubs are going to be such that they will be a suitable compromise to the top level stuff, allowing the player to be somewhat competitive in the new challenge (to them) until they level up.

    I'm sure there will be rants against "WGT,  you capitalist bastids" but if you think about it, equipment sales will go up because of this premature leveling up.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 7:37 AM



    I'm sure there will be rants against "WGT,  you capitalist bastids" but if you think about it, equipment sales will go up because of this premature leveling up.


    yeah, i can see the conspiracy theorists sharpening their blades on this one already  ..

    i've got a feeling that we'll see the RBladez released somewhere in the mid level 60's 1st .. possibly a higher end version later on next year

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 9:22 AM

    Look deeper into the equation. The new clubs coming up are going to be available at levels that these players are being forced into. I would bet that the specs on these clubs are going to be such that they will be a suitable compromise to the top level stuff, allowing the player to be somewhat competitive in the new challenge (to them) until they level up.

    Nothing will compromise a player to be at a fair advantage with someone with R11s or Burners. The reason is the main thing that make the R11s the R11s is the stopping power that these irons hold. Unless these irons are tiered and better than the R11s, then there will still be no advantage. 

    Here where I think your statement could work...

    Make the new RocketBladez the new best irons and lower the level for the R11s to like 85. This gives Legend players in the 80's the same stopping power we had, plus more. This totally eliminates sandbagging to a point.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 10:35 AM

    Make the new RocketBladez the new best irons and lower the level for the R11s to like 85.

    Not for nothing but there's already too many level 90 Master and TMs with the top stuff. All you're going to do is increase that number. It's too bad you (not you individually) leveled up so fast, that's the price to pay for the deceit. In your case,  where talent actually pervades, you're a minority and get somewhat victimized by it, unfortunately.

    LOL. You're young, you'll adapt.  ;-)

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 10:40 AM

    It's too bad you (not you individually) leveled up so fast, that's the price to pay for the deceit.

    I understand what your saying, but you shouldn't have to pay a price just because you were skilled enough to tier up. Just like WGT says... If we feel that you play to the skills of a higher tier, then you'll be tiered up.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 10:50 AM


    Players are dying to get the higher level equipment due to this change. I don't think it will hurt the current system at all.

    Look deeper into the equation. The new clubs coming up are going to be available at levels that these players are being forced into. I would bet that the specs on these clubs are going to be such that they will be a suitable compromise to the top level stuff, allowing the player to be somewhat competitive in the new challenge (to them) until they level up.

    I'm sure there will be rants against "WGT,  you capitalist bastids" but if you think about it, equipment sales will go up because of this premature leveling up.



    Jim here hit it on the head, I understand the reasoning behind your arguement, but seriously the business model as set is perfect for WGT. If they were to change to Tier specific equipments, they would actually lose money. Tiering up quickier make people think, buy new equips, buy level up boost, buy both or wait patiently and eventually get there. As you can see you are going to have people that spend money in the game and others that choose not to but changing to Tier specific equips  the inbetween equips would become useless as no one would have a desire to purchase them. This would result in less equipment being avalible to the community, less product placement and less over all money to WGT, which is a business after all so they would never do this.

    From a player stand point Tier based equips. make the most sense, from a business side persepective this would limit the amount you could offer the public, therefore minamize the profits.


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2012 11:10 AM

    How about making all new, lower-level Legends L81?  

    They could immediately buy the Burners and G20 woods - not absolutely equal footing with R11s but still enough to reach and hold any green and be competitive.  They'd have the option of waiting a bit for the full G20 set.  Slot the Rbladez at L87 or 88 as an intermediate upgrade.