This is the perfect time to start a new thread and continue the discussion from the previous thread made by myself. Let's keep this argument free please. Let me hear your feedback!
With WGT's new system to combat sandbaggers, they have hit a tough spot because the amount of multi accounting going on is just insane. Players are now tiering up faster than ever while leveling up at a slower pace. I can guarantee you that sales would increase dramatically when doing this. If you think about it, more players are turning Legend at 70 and 80 now - that's more than ever. They will almost be forced to buy the R11s or the Burners to compete with the higher level Legends and Tour Legends.
You will make more money, and thats a fact! I believe so because there is less of a reason to multi account. Players don't have to panic because they don't have the proper tools. They now know that due to their skill level they can use clubs that coincide with their skills. You said it yourself - "If a player beats a player of a higher tier, they will now be tiered up faster than before. We believe that a player then has the proper skills to move up to the next tier." That isn't verbatim, but it's damn near close.
Players are dying to get the higher level equipment due to this change. I don't think it will hurt the current system at all.