pjctas0822:I love it when I hear someone say they get 2000 views a day or whatever on this forum and then I ask them how and you never hear anything nor see proof.

I think you may have misunderstood what GG was saying. I don't think there are any videos that "automatically" start from the beginning once the video is over. I think what he was saying was that once the video is over, you can hit the "watch more videos" button and the same video will reappear and he can watch it again, and sometimes it can be done over and over and over again allowing you to build up a nice little nest egg for yourself, or for helping others who aren't getting the same opportunity.
The screenshot above was not taken today, but it is recent. Also, I didn't post it to brag, you simply asked for proof that it is possible and I hope that proves it can be done.
If you would like to discuss it further, send me a pm and I'd be happy to chat with you about it.