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Fellowship State Highway CC

Tue, Dec 4 2012 4:11 PM (55 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 11:46 AM

    With all due respect, don't you think as a WGT employee you should remain impartial?

    Nope. As a WGT employee I am proud to say that I commend Quijotazo's involvement in this community and I will recommend associating with him any day.

    Are you saying, as a WGT staff member, that I should not highlight or point out players who I feel are exemplary? Strange post, Courtneyfish...


    Stay classy,


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:03 PM


    I am very glad to see you made your own CC, Quijotazo!

    For what it's worth, I highly recommend joining this country club. You will not find a nicer, more involved owner :)


    Stay classy,


    How would you know ?? Thats not right to say. I resent that remark and you should be partial and support all CC's that support WGT period.

    Your recommendation is fine it's what you say preceding that statement that's wrong.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:24 PM

    As a WGT employee I am proud to say that I commend Quijotazo's involvement in this community and I will recommend associating with him any day.

    Well said Pizza .

    OPY   iaaRft

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:27 PM

    Your recommendation is fine it's what you say preceding that statement that's wrong.

    There are some seriously inappropriate analyses of my statements in this thread.

    You guys need to calm down and stop looking for things that aren't there. I did not claim that other CC owners are lacking in any sense. I do not belong to a country club, nor do I (or anyone for that matter) have a comprehensive list of EVERY SINGLE country club owner, and I did not compare Quijotazo to EVERY SINGLE country club owner and decide that he was superior in any way.

    What I gave was a commendation of Quijotazo, not a dismissal of every other CC owner.

    I am a fan of Quijotazo. I am sure whatever he does in this game will be brilliant, including running a country club. Let's all take a step back and get a perspective adjustment.


    Stay classy,


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:32 PM

    But your choice of words was innappropriate and the average reader would take this how it is written as did I. Wont be the first time I was wrong and wont be the last.


    You will not find a nicer, more involved owner :)

    Is that not a statement ?

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:36 PM

    Is that not a statement ?

    Nope, it is in fact an opinion (which is the entire point of a recommendation) and it seems that it is one that you disagree with. You are welcome to that.


    Stay classy,


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:45 PM

    If there was a thread on here about fly fishing or soccer then I wouldn't post on it, as I know nothing about either subject. So why would Mr Pizza post on a thread about Country Club owners when he has never run a club or in fact ever been in one?

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:47 PM

    I am very glad to see you made your own CC, Quijotazo!
    With all due respect, don't you think as a WGT employee you should remain impartial?
    ... Are you saying, as a WGT staff member, that I should not highlight or point out players who I feel are exemplary?
    Your recommendation is fine it's what you say preceding that statement that's wrong.

    I can understand everyone's points of view here.

    a.  If I was an employee of any internet site, in charge of moderating and interacting with customers' posting habits on its forums and such, it would be very hard to stay completely unmotional (I don't want to use the word "impartial") if a client shows respect to our company and it's parts, specially when other clients can be very destructive (I am not talking about the players quoted on this post).  It is a common practice among good companies to reward a good client; knowing that good-clientship is not defined only by the ammount of money he's invested in our business, but the apreciation and satisfaction he shows for it in different ways.  With that said, I must state that besides such generous and un-requested post by Mr WGTPizza, I haven't been rewarded in any other way by WGT.  Also, I have read so many posts where he shows the same ammount of apreciation towards other players that have shown even greater standards of behavior, respect and good-clientship to WGT, so, I must thank his involvement with this community, not only because of his expressed words on my tiny CC, but with everyone who is willing to share in good terms, owning or not a CC.

    b.  Of course anyone have the right to feel entiteled to question Mr WGTPizza for this brief show of support, but again, this is not his first and only time he does something like that, and I am not the only "beneficiary per se" (well I don't see any tangible benefits tho) of such public good farewell from him and from WGT.  If that was the case I would renunciate inmediately to any of his suporting words on behalf of FSH Country Club foundation, or to my person, since I do like things to be clear and fair.  Besides, most forum-ers have had a nice piece of pizza at their own time, when interacting with good intentions here ;)

    My complete and sincere respect to all the quoted players on this post.  Always expect greatness ;) AJ-Q

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:52 PM

    So why would Mr Pizza post on a thread about Country Club owners when he has never run a club or in fact ever been in one?

    See, this is what I meant by there are some "inappropriate analyses" of my comments in this thread. MY post was not about "other country club owners". MY post was about Quijotazo, and my opinion of him. Opinions are allowed on this forum, as long as they are not defamatory. I gave my opinion of Quijotazo, and I did not give my opinion on anything or anyone else.

    Please do not confuse my opinion of one player as slander of another, especially when another player was not mentioned. Can we please relax and have fun playing this online golf game? Thanks.


    Stay classy,


  • FRIENDofyourWIFE
    305 Posts
    Mon, Dec 3 2012 12:54 PM

    Can we please relax and have fun playing this online golf game? Thanks.