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Avoiding Legend Status

Sat, Dec 8 2012 1:05 PM (91 replies)
    1,189 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 5:44 PM


    Im a 62.18 and I maybe have 2 rounds in three years that are under 63.  9 holes i have several rounds of 31 or 32 but those are rare.. surely if i played the back I would not have shot the same score so it is invalid to assume a 31 in 9 holes is a 62 in 18 holes for instance. 


    31 does count as a 62. But it seems the new system shaves points off your avg for every prize you win in any RGs. It doesn't matter if you win (actually lose) 50 cr in a 100 cr entry fee RG, your avg will go down and your 33 round will be counted as a much better than it actually was. So, I'd suggest you stop playing RGs, maybe even all ranked rounds for a while and do practice skins or MPs (like Andy suggested) until you feel you're ready.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,573 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 6:32 PM

    A man with no ambition, no desire to improve, defeatist in every way,very sad.

    I have nothing to say.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 6:45 PM

    Legend Tees are great..... 

    I should say.... after the shock of hitting longer to the greens dies away, you will start to get better at the game.

    I would avoid beating Legends in M/P at the the moment....  then you Ave. will drop. I know it's a bit harsh, but that's the new rules wgt has set up.

    The scores your shooting at the moment  won't drop your Average, which means you can still play Ranked Rounds. Only scores in Ranked Rounds under your Average will drop it down.

    Don't enter R/Go's if you feel you are not competetive..... Save your credits until you reach Legend... then you can buy better clubs if needed.

    I had a Nitemare when I first got promoted to Legend... as you said, the longer shots to the green nearly killed  After awhile I started to hit those big shots and from then it was great.

    Never be scared to get promoted....  just another challenge which makes this game great :)


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 6:52 PM

    Nothing more to add what hasn't been said. But one piece of advice I was given when at TM stage was to play rounds from the tee using a 3 wood to drive, so you get used to the longer tees when you do make legend. Worked for me and never had any issues with the extra distance when I did make legend.

    No truer words than "Never be scared to get promoted....  just another challenge which makes this game great :)"

    Without a challenge the game would get boring, so have ambition and the drive to get there.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 7:10 PM

    But one piece of advice I was given when at TM stage was to play rounds from the tee using a 3 wood to drive, so you get used to the longer tees when you do make legend

     Only once did I not do that as a TM playing v. Legends. I did it partly for the practice, but mainly because it was the fair thing to do( especially in MPC's). I made a chart with the yardage differences for each course and teed off based on that.... anything from punched driver to as low as my 5 iron ... whatever was going to make my 2nd shot roughly the same as the Legends faced.

  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 8:31 AM

    I can still card the sub 60 occasionally when WGT lets me.

    I really like and totally agree with this comment.  Has anyone else ever noticed how in many of your rounds you play extreemly well tee-to-green but every time you get to your birdie putt it has an almost unmakeable break to it?  I admit that once in a while you also get a lot of makeable putts, but for me these are very rare, particularly when playing tournaments.

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 4:14 PM

    Like I was sayin before, once you reach I think its 100 rounds as a TM

    I've saved over 180 rounds as a TM (either 9 or 18 holes) and I'm only half-way to Legend so I don't think it has anything to do with "100" rounds or whatever? But Mesmorizer is correct, that once you get below a 62 average, it never goes up which should not happen IMO. Ergo, "assimilation" does begin below a 62 average. LOL  However, if you scroll over top of the bar to the right where it says you are Level 80, a box will appear which says:

    Current Points  611775

    Next Level At:  664469

    Which are my current level points for example and my green bar is only half full. So I could probably play about another 180 rounds like my previous 180 rounds before being forced into the Legend tier? Does your green bar or points show that you have almost reached the Next Level or what? Anyway, for sure your average goes down way faster by playing mostly 9-hole rounds. But we see you also play alot of Ready Go and Tournament stuff which I think locks you in and makes you reach the 'next tier' much more rapidly than playing Solo and/or live interactive ALT or Multi-player rounds with other members?

    Over 90% of my rounds are 'solo' and the rest are live interactive ALT or Match-play rounds which kinda proves the point. ;) So suggest to either play mostly Solo rounds and/or more 18-hole rounds and/or more live interactive ALT or Match-play rounds if you want to slow the process down? Ask WGT and they can probably verify that? As well, if you play more solo rounds, you don't have to save them and your points won't go up. But if you keep on playing and completing the same kinds of rounds you're currently doing; then it is virtually certain you will reach Legend quickly? That's one of several reasons I went back to using Free Balls is because  a)  they cost too much and don't last long enough for my money and  b)  they make you shoot better of course which automatically hastens your ascent to the next tier and also by 'completing' most or all of your rounds. And like Mes says; that's how the system works and unfortunately you didn't recognize what was happening until now? For those who can afford the Better Balls and Clubs, that's just one of many ways they make money which is their prerogative and that's how Business works. :)

    But I agree with you that the 'Tournament format' is unfair. IMO, they should match players on the basis of who has the Same Strength of Driver and Irons and Balls and Average; not by tier. Because like you implied, the players who can afford the Best Equipment will Always win All of the Tournaments and the rest might get some crumbs if they're lucky? :) In other words, why not ALSO have Tournaments strictly for players with averages in the 50s? Or one tourney for players below 56 averages and a different tourney for players with averages between 56 and 60? Then have different tourneys for players with averages between 60 and 61 and and a different tourney for players with averages between 62 and 63 and so forth which might give All members a chance to win instead of just those who can always shoot in the 50s?

    They could also have tourneys strictly for players that use Free Starter balls and also base those tourneys on the 'Same Strength of Driver and Irons and Average'? But maybe nobody has suggested this to WGT before and the same players winning all the money and credits, certainly wouldn't complain? :) So I simply won't play tournaments since over 90% of members have no chance of winning anyway but I could be wrong? :) But if WGT drastically reduced the cost of Better Balls AND they lasted much longer, there would probably be many more 'Better Players' and much closer competition? It would be a nice gesture too if members could get just Unlimited Free WGT Balls once you reach Tour Master or Legend. Would be a great way of saying Thank You for our patronage don't you think? :)

    Anyway, it looks like the damage is done for you and you'll have to wait until you reach those magical Levels of 88 and 91 and I truly sympathize with your situation. Because probably the only way you can compete in the Legend tiers, is to buy the R11 Driver and Irons and maybe go back to using Free balls if you can't afford them anymore? I had to. I can't afford them any longer. The meter speed for the R11 irons is fast but perhaps with practice, you can eventually get used to it? But for sure, the R11 9.0 Driver & R11 irons, really increases your distances and should make a Huge difference in your game play and scores and you can compete with anyone in the Legend tier? Except against the Top 1 or 2% of the Super-gifted-talented players and those who have the Top Equipment and the Better Balls as well? That is why I think there is a real need and a desire by many members, for WGT to offer Tournaments which, players with averages under 60 are not allowed to enter? What do you think? Please forgive the grammar errors; I didn't check cuz it was too long.  lol


  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 4:53 PM

    I avoided Legend as long as I could, too.  I did so to possibly compete in some RGs and tourneys.  I wasn't really good enough to win those, either, but had a better shot than playing as a Legend based on the scores I was seeing.  I saved my last few ranked rounds for RGs exclusively and wouldn't play a Legend in match play if I was paid to do so.

    I also worked up a fear in myself that Legend was going to be unenjoyable.  I almost became paranoid that I wasn't ready or that I couldn't compete.

    Blech.  What a doof I was.

    Legend is fine.  Like TourPro to Master, there is an initial distance shock.  But, you quickly come to realize it isn't every hole AND it isnt all that bad.  Your average score won't go up 4 shots.  Oh, sure....maybe on paper/stats it will, but I doubt it will bother you in time.

    What Legend opens up is a whole new block of friends.  I still play in my CC a lot.  I love those guys.  But, becoming a Legend has allowed me to meet new friends that are even better WGT golfers.  And, once again, I'm learning from others and humbled.

    Best of all, I still score.  I have shot 63 on Olympic.....only a dream before.  I have shot 30 on the front 9 of Oakmont.....again, only a dream before.  While those won't win tourneys or RGs, they still fell like an accomplishment to me.  And, I feel that my game can stack up with anybody.....on any given day. 

    In a few weeks of being a newly promoted Legend, you will likely feel the same way.

    My dime.

  • RonCarr
    243 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 5:22 PM

    i welcome the challange of legend just wish I played better to get there.hope it don't take another 2000 rounds...Ron

  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 8:56 PM

    If you don't want to move up to Legend, stop playing ranked stroke play rounds.
    Stop playing against higher tiered players (if you beat them).

    Play: Blitz, alt, ctth.

    And one more thing. Each tier resets your average score. Every time you move up, the first game you play within your new tier, will recalculate your average score.

    To each tier - a set amount of ranked rounds is required - TM is 50 ranked rounds - as well as a set average score. TM -> Legend is 61.
    As a TM - you play 50 ranked rounds - those are the rounds WGT uses for determining your average.
    While you're playing those 50 rounds - your average score will experience the yoyo effect. Going up and down with your good as well as your bad rounds.

    Once you've played 50 ranked rounds - those rounds are the new "average".
    Every time you go a round that improves on ANY of those initial 50 rounds - your average score will drop. 
    Every time you go a round with a score more bad than ANY of those 50 rounds - nothing will happen. Your average won't drop anymore.

    This means - once you have 50 ranked rounds in the bag - you can play 100 bad rounds without anything happening. Then you play 1 good round - and your score will drop. That 1 good round will enter into your 50 ranked rounds used by WGT to determine your average.

    If you continue to play  stroke play and MP against higher tiered players and beating them, you will, at some point - move up to Legend.