If you were to provide a putting green and a driving range to go and use your ball as much as you like without the worry of 2 strokes for every mulligan, that would be fine, but to go and use your default ball and have to go and play an entire hole, and practice with that mulligan after mulligan so you get a good feel for putting without fear of having the ball taken off you by using your best is ridiculous, if you set the game to practice, that is what you are doing.
I can understand the ball wearing out, after 72 holes of play as it no doubt does for Tour Pro's in real life, but most tour pro's have a sponsor, they wear the name all over them, and get not only the balls but generally all their equipment free of charge, I couldn't imagine woods paying for his clubs or balls or anything else.
To have to adhere apparently by the terms of which we play, basically means every 8 or 9 Tournaments your up for more balls, that doesn't include the practice rounds.
Regardless of what ball level you get to and purchase, it appears the Durability of most balls is between 2.0 and 2.5. So your still going to have to pay out big if indeed you intend to play as many rounds as apparently some of these Legends do.
I also play Perfect Golf by Perfect Parallel, if you never heard of it and want to give it a go, download steam and type it in. For around $20 you not only get the driving range and a dozen courses so far in full 3D, but everything moves as well, tree's, water and it has been built for all OS.
You also get to keep the golf balls, without them wearing out. soon if your inclined like me, build your own Courses using Unity, and course forge.
I have built many real courses for Tiger Woods, from US, Europe and Australia using a 30m Dem and Ortho, was hoping this site may allow course creation, but it appears the courses we play on are sponsored.