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ball taken out of play???

rated by 0 users
Thu, Mar 3 2016 2:06 PM (26 replies)
  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 9:27 AM

    re: Displaying the actual number of hits left would be one way. 


    It has be discussed and supposed* by some that a ball make take more 'hits' when it is struck harder by a club than a softer shot, yet it was never confirmed by WGT or otherwise tested by anyone, to my knowledge.


    If so, then that's why the ball's meter is not showing an exact number of hits but its durability. The more durable, the more times you can hit it, naturally. 






    Probably so. How hard your ball is hit also shortens the life-span a little, maybe. Try using less power. Play courses with softer fairways and greens, too. Hope this helps.


    Also, forged irons are less abrasive on the balls skin.

    Flops are better than pitches for less wear.

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 12:50 PM

    ball meter shows how much life your ball as if its red its nearly out of hits white loads of hits red its nearly dead m8


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 3:47 PM

    And if the ball shows all white on the ball meter (as in a new or near new ball) and it is a water are about to be metered and lose it anyway.

  • Firstmrmax
    824 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 4:29 PM

    Hey, I can see that balls may wear out. However, I pay for the dang balls , they are mine,  when I play real golf the store I bought them from  does'nt come out on the course I'm playing and take my ball that I paid for and tell me "they know better than me when my ball is wore out" and take it away without any warning. 

    That sux and I admit Mr WGT is a genious to get so greedy that he takes away what we pay for. I can decide when my ball is wore out just like real golf. I should also be able to change balls when I want if I'm not in a tournament, just like real golf.  

    And he can quit asking me if I want to buy 650 credit balls for my playing partner, what a joke that is and last nit I accidently did that trying to get rid of it.  If you buy some thing from the pro shop, you must finalize your purchase  before they charge u but not for that buy  balls for a stranger  that you cant afford to buy for yourself.

      I guess next thing will be asking us if  we want to buy a Virtual Bud Light for our playing partner for 995 credits.

    Thanks for allowing me to rant about this . I guess I should'nt  complain, at least WGT does'nt charge us for gravity

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 4:48 PM


    And if the ball shows all white on the ball meter (as in a new or near new ball) and it is a water are about to be metered and lose it anyway.

    +1!  Never fails :)

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 5:03 PM


    re: Displaying the actual number of hits left would be one way. 


    It has be discussed and supposed* by some that a ball make take more 'hits' when it is struck harder by a club than a softer shot, yet it was never confirmed by WGT or otherwise tested by anyone, to my knowledge.


    If so, then that's why the ball's meter is not showing an exact number of hits but its durability. The more durable, the more times you can hit it, naturally. 


    Fair enough, but you could still have a digital display next to the meter indicating number of "hits" left.  If a hard drive (or a mulligan in practice) eats up 2 hits... the number of hits left would reflect that.  We would get a better sense of the types of hits that would chew up a ball more, and  can predict better when a ball would totally wear out.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 9:31 PM

    I pay for the dang balls , they are mine,

    Regretfully, that's wrong. You own but a temporary license of credits and balls and whatnots which may be terminated any time.

    See the T&Cs.

  • sandcrusher8
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 8:59 PM

    If you were to provide a putting green and a driving range to go and use your ball as much as you like without the worry of 2 strokes for every mulligan, that would be fine, but to go and use your default ball and have to go and play an entire hole, and practice with that mulligan after mulligan so you get a good feel for putting without fear of having the ball taken off you by using your best is ridiculous, if you set the game to practice, that is what you are doing.

    I can understand the ball wearing out, after 72 holes of play as it no doubt does for Tour Pro's in real life, but most tour pro's have a sponsor, they wear the name all over them, and get not only the balls but generally all their equipment free of charge, I couldn't imagine woods paying for his clubs or balls or anything else.

    To have to adhere apparently by the terms of which we play, basically means every 8 or 9 Tournaments your up for more balls, that doesn't include the practice rounds.

    Regardless of what ball level you get to and purchase, it appears the Durability of most balls is between 2.0 and 2.5. So your still going to have to pay out big if indeed you intend to play as many rounds as apparently some of these Legends do.

    I also play Perfect Golf by Perfect Parallel, if you never heard of it and want to give it a go, download steam and type it in.  For around $20 you not only get the driving range and a dozen courses so far in full 3D, but everything moves as well, tree's, water and it has been built for all OS.

    You also get to keep the golf balls, without them wearing out. soon if your inclined like me, build your own Courses using Unity, and course forge.

    I have built many real courses for Tiger Woods, from US, Europe and Australia using a 30m Dem and Ortho, was hoping this site may allow course creation, but it appears the courses we play on are sponsored.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2016 7:44 AM

    WGTland has it's rules and conditions, there's no negotiation, so take them or leave them:

    - It's a F2P and PTW game.

    - If not playing the free game, as an average estimate, a 9 hole stroke game may cost 1/10 of the sleeve price. This is a flexible entry fee, self-determined by each player.

    - Mulligans in practice are costly but regular putting is for free. No extra practice area.

    - All genuine WGT courses are made from HD photographs from real & top courses, nothing artificial, no exception, no course creation.

    This place won't become PG - you know where to find that one.

    BTW: What's your point?

  • sandcrusher8
    5 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2016 4:22 PM

    If you really must ask, The Point is I don't want to spend $7 a week on Golf balls.

    You might be rich enough to spend that sought of money I am not


