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abusive players

Thu, Nov 14 2013 12:09 PM (40 replies)
  • Morgies
    105 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 4:04 AM

    Played getman yesterday .. VERY rude and abusive and all part of his tactics.

    Would like to see wgt take action

  • johnsam
    16 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 4:59 AM

    ref. abuse

    i have ghost

    friends showing up on my list of friends (uninvited)

    is this an on-going wgt issue, if so when will it be corrected??


    749 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 9:53 AM

    been requested before

    Would be a nice option to be able to turn chat OFF

    Apart from the benefit of shutting someone up you could also get rid of that infernal flashing orange box which always seems to start flashing just before you execute your shot. i know players would not delliberatley start chatting just before your shot would they !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 4:42 PM

    I've had a rude opponent once, and it was very recently.  Was playing a BPB match and his opening remarks were "just shot -7" and acted like it was on - and this was a regular non-betting game.  He lost the first hole, so I talked some junk back.  He kept flapping his gums.

    On the 6th hole I think, a makeable putt lipped out and it was even, and stayed until it went to extra holes.  In overtime, another one lipped out, he won, and he started with the profanities.  He had all the close shots because he used expensive balls, and I use balls that are 64 cr./sleeve.  I'm not about to waste good balls on matches that don't earn me credits.

    Would've been nice to win and shove it in his face, but the golf gods had no such design for me.  Ah well.

  • plim
    1,388 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 9:57 AM

    as well as informing WGT click on your account. top right click on block players

    Once you block a player, that person will no longer be your friend, nor can that person send you friend invitations, country club invitations, game invites, or post on your wall. They can still see your profile page.

    Players will not be notified when they are blocked.

    Block Player:   
    inform your CC and get everyone to block abusive players if wgt won't act then at least we can get them having to play on their own.
  • 247thDustoff
    80 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 10:46 AM

    Brother I Hear Ya !

    I've got a small piece of plastic that I stick to the monitor, over both the scores and the chat box and I don't remove it until I'm about to take my last putt ! I primarily use it in match play and skins games. I just got sick and tired of other players trying to ruin my golf experience. If ya know what I mean ? I started doing that after leading in stroke play with a Legend tier player, who started giving me all sorts of abuse because I as beating him. He even went as far as to say I was using cheat program ! Rather blow my brains out then cheat ! I was a lowly Tour Pro at the time and to say I wasn't outraged would be an understatement ! That's when I had my inspirational moment, grabbed a business card an just covered that area up. I went on to bet him. Which I'm sure pissed him off to no end.

    Anyway, great idea ! Hope WGT comes through on that one. I'd have it on most of the time. lol


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 11:36 AM


    Brother I Hear Ya !

    I've got a small piece of plastic that I stick to the monitor, over both the scores and the chat box and I don't remove it until I'm about to take my last putt ! I primarily use it in match play and skins games. I just got sick and tired of other players trying to ruin my golf experience. If ya know what I mean ? I started doing that after leading in stroke play with a Legend tier player, who started giving me all sorts of abuse because I as beating him. He even went as far as to say I was using cheat program ! Rather blow my brains out then cheat ! I was a lowly Tour Pro at the time and to say I wasn't outraged would be an understatement ! That's when I had my inspirational moment, grabbed a business card an just covered that area up. I went on to bet him. Which I'm sure pissed him off to no end.

    Anyway, great idea ! Hope WGT comes through on that one. I'd have it on most of the time. lol



    FYI. The chat box can be closed so you don't have to put anything on your screen. Just click on the word Chat and it goes away.

  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 12:07 PM

    A poker site i used to play on knew how to nip this at the bud ,, After a few complaints ;(they ) shut the players chat off ,, happened to a buddy of mine who had ,, well lets low table manners, well he kept it up and they shut his chat off for a month , i,m just saying why should i have to turn my chat off ,,