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Mon, Dec 10 2012 7:06 AM (13 replies)
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  • jbh1212
    102 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:04 PM

    This game has more faults than my ex wife had.the game is enjoyable to play, but you cant get a enjoyable game around here becuase the meter is freezing on shots, people quitting and we cant get back in,balls arent last the distance. going from level 1 to level 56 have no issue soon as you need to SPEND the money the issue start happening lying dots on greens false wind and most important the irons r11 forgiveing my ass, miss the ding by a hair and its way off target in fact its miles off target. you upload new clubs,crap the only thing they have dont is taken the burner away slowed the meter and changed the name,they are good irons but i sold my r11 becuase they are off with forgiveness. we complain and nothing gets done about it i ve been playing this game 8 months and the meter issue still not reolved,where are the profits for the members sales going,i hope its not going on change of names on equipement, i think its time some of the fund went to fixing this game,the best way is to get off this beta format. remember its a game for enjoying golf,i real golf you hit a 190 yards iron it goes 185 depending on wind,not this game hit a 190 yard iron it goes 140 yards. sold my irons for other irons not realising they are the burners different name....take the profits and fix the game.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:09 PM

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:17 PM

    you cant get a enjoyable game around here becuase the meter is freezing on shots


    What have you done to help?


    I now use maxthon 3, gamebooster, clear caches after each maintenance and upgrade.


    I rarely have a stutter/freeze.


    Hope this helps.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:54 PM

    LMFAO @ HP  Awesome.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:56 PM


    LMFAO @ HP  Awesome.


  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 2:01 PM

    Jim yancy, sorry basterdizing the name, but fail to remember his name has 13000 posts, anyway, he posted the best tips for me.

    Meter not perfect, but close.

    He said essentially use comodo for game client and only game client and f11 Full screen etc and install adblocker.

    Great tip and works very good.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 2:01 PM

    sorry basterdizing the name, but fail to remember his name

    has 13000 posts,


    saying that lets anyone know who you are talking about lmao.


    His name is Jim and he is a Yankee fan.  ;-)

  • looselugnutz
    1,593 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 9:19 AM

    HP, is that an ice cream truck in the background of the gif?  Screw the ice cream and bring on the beer cart if we're gonna watch this.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 9:56 AM


    HP, is that an ice cream truck in the background of the gif?  Screw the ice cream and bring on the beer cart if we're gonna watch this.

    LOL   I thought the same thing when I found that gif.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 10:06 AM

    not this game hit a 190 yard iron it goes 140 yards


    Never happened, at least not from the fairway, so stop exaggerating.

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