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Enhanced Replay Capability

Mon, Dec 17 2012 8:49 PM (24 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 8:57 AM

    While reading and participating in the thread "VEM, Fixed Rounds bla bla bla........." I saw, IMO, WGT is getting peeved by all the posts claiming WGT controls our game.  Posts like: "I had a great round going and I had this shot, I hit this power, it went crazy left or right or long or short (pick one), therefore WGT is controlling our game or scores.". 

    The original point of the thread was "post a video" of the weird results and show everyone what actually happened to support the claim. 

    WGT agreed with that idea and in fact several times in the thread issued a challenge for players to post proof, via videos, that WGT was indeed controlling their game.

    It was pointed out that recording one's game demands much CPU resources and causes meter problems.  So its likely that no one will risk recording their game and play with a bad meter to capture something that occurs infrequently.

    As an alternative, bhoese, jaderoks, and Ffudd suggested replays show all the details of a shot.  Club, power, aim, spin, ding, lie, the whole works.  WGT replied basically its not gonna happen because we don't want to give players the illusion they can analyze shots and come up with an equation to guarantee success.

    It was then pointed out that recording shots, which WGT supports, provides the same information that bhoese et. al. suggested included in the replays.

    Let me give WGT a reason to add details to replays.

    You can charge us credits for the extra detail!

    1. It covers WGTs development costs

    2. No doubt provides long term revenue as we spend credits to view the details

    3. It likely to eliminate many, many of the so-called silly posts with made up excuses for poor player performance that is holding up the growth and evolution of this community. Why? Well we can check ourselves and see we had the wrong club, or the aimer was actually out in left field, or we had no spin rather than full back spin, etc.

    4. Make it available on any replay, a great training aid for newbs and advanced players.  Yeah they can do that now by watching the top player's videos.  But with this feature you can see how anyone played the wind or backspin on a Double Eagle or HIO or Eagle wedge shot.

    Here's one way to do this.

    Add a button to the replay screen called View Details

    Click on it and a pop-up appears, similar to the "This is your last ball of this type" pop-up

    The pop-up has a Buy-Now button.

    Clicking the Buy-Now deducts the credits from our account just like buying balls in game.

    The screen refreshes and the replay now shows all the details, just like in a shot or even in tabular format if its easier to code (would still need to display the aim point).

    It would look like this:  Click image for a larger view.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 9:21 AM

    Great detailed positive thinking solution as usual. I'd like to add that showing the ding line and where it was hit would solve most of the issues with replays. I can post up a replay but it doesn't show whether I hit the ding or not. All the detail you posted is perfect but having the meter in the replays with where the shot was executed on the meter line and where the aiming arrow was would be most helpful. The option to pay for the detail is frankly brilliant.

    I really like your idea as far as uneven lies replays. Saving them is a waste because we can't see the graphic of the lie in the replay. I'd put out some credits to save some of my uneven lie shots showing the lie and aim arrow as I saw it when I hit it.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 9:24 AM

    I really like your idea as far as uneven lies replays.

    I didn't even think of those, good addition Cerino!!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 9:28 AM


    I really like your idea as far as uneven lies replays.

    I didn't even think of those, good addition Cerino!!

    Playing in pairs I try to explain where I aim to compensate for the lie but being able to show someone exactly would greatly help my mission of teaching others about uneven lies.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 9:32 AM

    +1 to all of these suggestions.

    Once again, brilliant stuff Andyson.

    As an advocate of Uneven Lies I've been pondering for a while how to best promote it, and to share the knowledge we've gained. I honestly believe many more players would love it if they could just get a few practical pointers to get into it.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the computer setup or connection speed to be able to record a round, so if this Enhanced Replay were possible, that would be a great solution to this (and many other issues). I'm very intrigued to see the official reaction... Over to you, Pizza!

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 9:48 AM

    It's a great idea. The statement that it isn't already provided, free of charge, because we can use it to analyze our shots is silly. Many of us already analyze our shots.

    Being able to tell if we mistakenly picked the wrong club or set the aim point way off, or missed the ding into the next county, would show us that we were not screwed by WGT but just screwed up. None of those things would let us analyze how WGT deviates proper shots.

    For my own analyzes (when I'm doing it) I just hit Prtscr before I shoot. This puts the screenshot on the clipboard without requiring cpu usage DURING meter activity. If the shot's strange then I can fire up my photo editor, copy the clipboard into it, and have a second look. The only thing I don't have is the actual ding point. Therefore, it's really only suitable for my own use, not for proof, but my own use is what I need if I'm analyzing.

    Providing full information (let's call it "transparency" ;-) ) could only help WGT if their claims are true.


  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 10:28 AM

    and pay to watch ourselves screw up twice......

    just what I need

    (good idea tho)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 11:24 AM

    and pay to watch ourselves screw up twice......

    no,no,no, no pay only to get the details on HOW you screwed up!! LOL

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 11:31 AM

    Very interesting idea. Most of all, I like how you presented it with logical reasons and how it should be implemented. If even 10% of all bug reports were even close to this, then we'd been able to find/fix bugs much faster :)

    I'll present to others. I am kinda for it as well, just have some uneasiness because the data not always showing what you want to see...

    The way random element is programmed leaves just enough space to have the possibility of a shot that even looks great on mathematical end but still has bad outcome.

    In past, there been times when I hit a shot I wanted and got a very weird result. So, as a good moderator that I am, I submitted a bug report, then went to look at it myself. My raw data was similar to the shot I hit yet result still did not make sense.  Hence the dilemma, since raw data does not show any randomness  just mathematical representation of what you hit, this may create another problem where some can say: Look, I hit a perfect shot, my replay data proves it, and the result is still not what I expected...

    What do you guys think?



  • Ffudd
    2,541 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 12:00 PM

    This has been mentioned previously (but not so well put) and the consensus then seemed to be "good idea" but no feedback from WGT.

    I think the idea is great if it can be done, not too happy about paying for it though :-)

    Advantage to the players obviously but also to WGT in reduced bug reports if they can see what they did wrong. Maybe they wouldn't need to charge for it.

    Disadvantage to WGT maybe increased storage ?