I've been playing with Bubbadork's idea of taking a screenprint before the shot.
Option 1 Taken before the shot shows the aim marker and shot set up which look ok but it doesn't show the ding. Click to play and you can see the ball goes 20 yards left (because I hit way early)

Option 2 During the shot. This took me about 5 attempts - I either got the screenprint but missed the ding or vice versa. Not recommended :-)
The aim marker disappears for some reason so you can't see elevation but it does show I dinged the shot. Click to play and you can see the ball goes 20 yards left (because I aimed there as you can see from the mini map)

As Bubbadork says, they are ok for your own use but not if you wanted "proof" that a shot was deviated (especially as they can be photoshopped).
Fingers crossed WGT can come up with something.