Ffudd:FWIW Mainz, the scale changes 22 inches > 23 inches > 2 feet so if it says 2 feet you know it is at least 24 inches. I usually move the target around and see if I can find where it changes to 23 inches then guess how much higher the pin is from there.
So that's good for the 2' area.
Alas, 3 feet up may vary by 12 inches, giving an insecurity of 12 feet putting length (from the rule of thumb on very fast greens) or much more on faster greens.
Take these putts from the Putting CTTH as examples:
#3: 71 ft, 3 ft down. Is it -33 or -42? quite decisive on champ greens.
#4: 103' + 3'
#5: 55' - 2' = a bit easier
#8: 260' - 5'
#9: 87' - 4'
Of course I know that the latter situation requires about a 30' putt because I've done it quite often. Alas, on any "free" putt on any round we don't have this memory, so it would be nice to know if it's 87 -42 or 87 -54.