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Ready go clear up

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Tue, Dec 18 2012 8:56 PM (18 replies)
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  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 6:41 AM

    Occasionally we get a particular Ready go that takes all month to fill up.  This month Its the tour legend $3 at Olympic club.  Its had 22 entrants for days.  Would it be possible  for WGT to limit these tournaments to say 25 if it takes days for them to fill up and then you could swap them for a more popular Ready go.  It would be much fairer on entrants (and beneficiary for them & WGT) rather than having to wait weeks for any returns.  Thanks CIB

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 7:29 AM


    Occasionally we get a particular Ready go that takes all month to fill up.  This month Its the tour legend $3 at Olympic club.  Its had 22 entrants for days.  Would it be possible  for WGT to limit these tournaments to say 25 if it takes days for them to fill up and then you could swap them for a more popular Ready go.  It would be much fairer on entrants (and beneficiary for them & WGT) rather than having to wait weeks for any returns.  Thanks CIB


    once a rg started, we can't adjust anything. I am surprised that it takes so long to fill out.

    any idea why?>


  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 8:00 AM

    Same for Legend Oakmont 400. It takes a week to fill up, while Kiawah, Cabo or St Andrews often do in less than a day. I really like Oakmont and don't get why people don't play it... You could understand that amateurs or pros may want to avoid a difficult course, but legends?...

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 8:52 AM

    Yes its puzzling why WGT's best course, Olympic doesn't fill up at tour legend tier, maybe its because Tour legends know you have to post very low scores to break even (you can loose $$ at St Andrews with a 59!) so TL's prefer to play the all tier tourneys where there's more chance to win.

    Icon and the team are doing a very good job in picking ready go's as it is because i bet its more difficult than it seems finding courses that pleases all of us, and to mix them up each month so they dont get repetitive.  Nice 1

    At present there are six tour legend ready go's, iT might be a good idea to limit it to 3 or 4.

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 9:08 AM

    Given that it's harder to win in TL-only RGs than in general ones, there is basically no reason to have these at all. Why not have the TLRGs open to all? I think now after the average score reform there is little chance that sandbaggers would be able to exploit that...

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 9:09 AM

    Why not have the TLRGs open to all?

    Then they would no longer be tour legend ready go's but normal ones!!

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 10:38 AM

    Yeah, that's what I mean. They should take those tour legend RGs and make them as normal ones. Anyway in normal ones most participants and the vast majority of net winners are TLs.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 10:44 AM

    6 TL RG's is definitely too many. There should be 1or2 at most. There's only 6 normal one's. Would be nice if there were 10-12 of these.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 11:41 AM


    I am surprised that it takes so long to fill out.

    any idea why?>

    From my point of view, I think it's because most of us TL's are not "credit heavy" as the best players here are...many of us just try to keep our heads above water-so to speak..


      I used to play the 100cr TL tourneys when they first came out, but in effect at 300cr+...I'm priced out of it. it's possible others are too?

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2012 9:13 AM

    I think it's because most of us TL's are not "credit heavy" as the best players here are

    This plus .. i would think (just guessing) there are a lot less TL's than there are other tiers.  At least there should be if this is working correctly.   

    I love to play RG's .. especially the 18 hole ones but I'm not credit rich at all ... so I pick / choose very carefully the ones that I play which are more than 100 Credits.   There are very very few RG's you can play for 100 cred's.  Right now there are NO 100 cr 18 hole RG's ... and 3 for 200 Cr's .. 2 of them on BPB where you need to shoot 58 to break even and 1 on Kia where you need to break 60 to be even.   


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