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Can anyone show an Ace Replay

Mon, Feb 5 2018 9:09 AM (43 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 6:30 AM

    Avatars have a distinct movement number. For example the Male and Female Avatar with the driver have 11 moves. With the putter the female has 3 moves and the male has 2.

    Possibly a senior moment here.  With the putter a female avatar has 9 moves, I checked a couple.  With a putter my male avatar has 7 moves. 

    You are correct both male & female have 11 moves with a driver.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 6:47 AM


    Avatars have a distinct movement number. For example the Male and Female Avatar with the driver have 11 moves. With the putter the female has 3 moves and the male has 2.

    Possibly a senior moment here.  With the putter a female avatar has 9 moves, I checked a couple.  With a putter my male avatar has 7 moves. 

    You are correct both male & female have 11 moves with a driver.

    LOL! It was a way to much cold medicine moment....Thanks for the

    I take that back...Just checked it. What I should have said is with the ghost putter those movements are correct.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 8:28 AM

    What I should have said is with the ghost putter those movements are correct.

    I got 9 & 7 moves for female/male respectively with the L66 ghost putter.  I can't check your L92 ghost putter.  Are you sure about 3 & 2 with the L92 ghost?

    Maybe clear your caches or try another browser?  LMAO!

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:43 AM

    Don't think I have any movie maker stuff and my game-play certainly isn't worth recording anyway. :) However I did since finally Ace #1 and it was done by dinging Center too.

    But look at this Bad Luck on #8. LOL That's probably the closest one could ever get?

    Anyway, no more entering CTTH Putting Challenges since #2 cannot be aced with my equipment but I'll keep trying to ace #8. :)


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 9:15 PM

    I don't have a replay, but I used to of one of the holes not the #2, that I got hole in one. I did not even use punch. I used full 60 wedge judging by wind and distance. If its around 80 ft its around 27 or 28 yards. If you figure that out, then rest is easy. Oh and count double of the yards for full on wedge. So that is 27 or 28 x2. Go by wind after that just like any other shot, and you will get pretty much most of those shots. I can't get all those on that course a hole in one, but comes with in 5 ft most of them. Now watch me get in trouble for this tip.



    Avatars have a distinct movement number. For example the Male and Female Avatar with the driver have 11 moves. With the putter the female has 3 moves and the male has 2.

    Possibly a senior moment here.  With the putter a female avatar has 9 moves, I checked a couple.  With a putter my male avatar has 7 moves. 

    You are correct both male & female have 11 moves with a driver.

    LOL! It was a way to much cold medicine moment....Thanks for the

    I take that back...Just checked it. What I should have said is with the ghost putter those movements are correct.

    That sounds dirty!

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:50 PM


    for #2 CTTH Putting Challenge?

     Saw it in todays replays

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:55 PM

    but I'll keep trying to ace #8.

    Here is my #8

  • Santiago124
    157 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:39 PM

    Hi Oldstir,

    I feel the same way you do frustrated...Ive holed all holes except 2 on the TOURNEY greens and several times for other green types but what even frustrates me and surely you would too is that I holed that SOB on a Blitz game at FAST green and sadly i wasnt ableto save it while scrambling to do so during the instant replay.. as it immediately changes to the next too bad...much as Id be happy to share it ...I freakin couldnt.  Maybe next time...


    P,S. and yeah, the Wedgers on this course(by golly they are GOOD ones)...used to get offended by them but ive learned to ignore the end of the is a putting challenge so even if they score a million and ace shots with it...does not hold water for me...up until  WGT comes up with a Tournament for that purpose then I guess I will have to be content with my ability...and just watch in awe when they do it...cos it is awesome(to watch...only) :-).  Cheers


  • TarheelsRule
    5,591 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 12:12 PM


    I have made all of the putting challenges save the 8th hole, still can't get that one.   The second hole is very difficult, I have made it 2 times and when I'm playing a challenge match for credits I don't even try to make it, I just take 5 feet and be happy.

    The green speed can vary on this challenge but the hole is always in the same place.  I have made it on fast and very fast greens.  You have to go almost up in the heavy fringe and carry a little speed to make it.  When I am trying to make it and not worrying about a score, I often go 9 feet by on it.

    I don't use the wedge shot on it but I have seen it holed three times with a punched wedge.  The putting challenge loses it's glamour once you hole them all and since the aces don't count in CTTH I have sort of stopped playing it unless I end up in it during a blitz challenge game.