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WGT Community Making the News!

Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:11 AM (64 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 5:39 PM

    Games4ever71. I had explained in earlier posts, that I do not have money, I don't play for credits, so what I give is on my dime, not someone I hussled. There is a time to share, I don't do this for any recognition. I have gotten a lot of joy as well as frustration from this game. I have received gifts from other members who I had never heard of. Last year I received a full set of R11's from a total stranger. I have no idea why, but they were so appreciated. This has stuck with me all year, it is the reason I am doing the giving. Make a plan, stick to the plan. You never know when it will come your way. 

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 6:24 PM

    don't do this for any recognition. I have gotten a lot of joy as well as frustration from this game. I have received gifts from other members who I had never heard of. Last year I received a full set of R11's from a total stranger. I have no idea why, but they were so appreciated. This has stuck with me all year, it is the reason I am doing the giving. Make a plan, stick to the plan. You never know when it will come your way

    All I can say is Thank You Sir .   We all here at WGT land have had something special / not happen to us this year .   let us Not find falt with other players of the game who want More than the time of our credits OR why this OR that that , 

    I have been Gifted more than just Clubs and balls , 

    I have seen this Game grow , Free Mio , Bring back Faterson ,,  Give my wish to this year to Strange Magic .

    WE should enjoy this time and look forward .

    It can only get better if we all work together .

    After what I have seen in the last few weeks with the Random Good that we all have for each other .

    My name is OPY  and I am a forum troll .


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 7:14 PM

    I can not get the movie to open / play  .

    I sent you a PM OPY.

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 8:47 PM

    Giving comes from a heart of compassion. When you are filled with compassion for others, you naturally want to give gifts of encouragement. The benefit far outweighs the sacrifice as you reap the rewards of giving to others. In fact, there is nothing more rewarding than to be an inspiration to others.

    So what is a gift of encouragement?

    It can be as simple as a smile, or just give a lil bit of your time to help another out with there strugles,,, you dont have to be rich or better then anyone else to give or help another just open your mind an follow your heart..... An stop all the hate.....


     just glade to see there are still alot of great people still around........

    Wish yall a Merry X-Mass an a Happy New year.. be safe have fun

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:11 AM

    Very well said jason, like I said, you never know. It came back to me again this morning.