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Christmas revenge presents....SuperSonicAds

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 26 2013 3:44 AM (17 replies)
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  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:22 AM
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr

    Just logged on I noticed credits were gone. Went to have a look at the details I saw the above. As it happens to be, I am in kind of a conflict with them for a month now over credits I didn't get, but should have got. A full printout of that e-mail conversation can be read in the second post of this nice Christmas topic. You might want to read that first for a full understanding of what's going on, before continuing here.

    So, the message is: "At SuperSonicAds we don't pay out all the credits we should, and if you complain about that, we go looking for credits we might be able to take back from you for some reason. On top of that we do not communicate about why we have taken back those credits, or why we reject tickets. All you can do is create yet another ticket, which we will most probably reject again without communicating why, or sent an e-mail to or, which we might reply to, but most probably we will ignore the issue you try to address, until you go mad with us. Any provided proof will be ignored as well, and if you complain some more we will remove some more credits from your account!!!"

    @SupersonicAds: This time you've chosen the wrong guy to mess with. I enjoy biting back like you enjoy screwing people. A full report of how you will finally resolve this matter will be shown here as well. It better be good.

    @WGT: Can I get an official response on this. What can I do / what are my options to get first of all the credits back they felt justified to take from me without giving any explanation ? No, I'm not asking why you still do business with this bunch of apparent criminals, for I know I won't be getting any useful answer on that, or am I ?

    Happy Xmas,


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:23 AM
    For best understanding best read from bottom to top
    18-12-2012 17:30


    I'd like to file an official complaint, if somehow possible within your organisation, for that surely was not about the bulletstar offer I completed but never got any credits for. SO AGAIN: Please start reading from the bottom up and respond to the bulletstar part of this whole conversation. Feel free to respond to my complaint as well, but please not without responding to the bulletstar part.

    This is becoming verry verry annoying by now, but believe me, you can ignore the bulletstar part of this conversation all you want, I'll keep getting back to you on it. Time and time again, until I got the credits I deserved to get in the first place, without all this hastle.
    You can check the number of offers I participated in and you can check the number of offers I had to create a ticket for, before I (rightfully) got my credits. This on itself proves your technology is not working. Added to that, customer support also is not all that, proven by this whole story and for example the fact that there is no communication on why tickets are rejected. I as a customer can only guess.... and create yet another ticket.

    We are now three weeks in this rediculous ordeal. Can I count on your coöperation to get this resolved before the new year has started ? Any questions ? Ask 'm, stop ignoring. Do your best to get this resolved.

    On 18-12-2012 15:26, SupersonicAds Customer Support wrote:

    Your ticket has been granted.

    Thank you,

    SupersonicAds Customer Support Team


    On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:57 PM, xxx wrote:


    May I start with a big OMG. I REPEAT: Please start reading from the bottom up and respond to the bulletstar part of this whole conversation.


    On 16-12-2012 17:30, SupersonicAds Customer Support wrote:

    Tickets 395561, 395619, 396781, 398051 have been reviewed and granted.

    for reviewing ticket 402857 please reopen it.

    Thank you,

    SupersonicAds Customer Support Team


    On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:31 PM, xxx wrote:


    Please start reading from the bottom up and respond to the bulletstar part of this whole conversation.




    On 4-12-2012 18:56, xxx wrote:

    Please remember, this is first of all about the bulletstar offer.

    For the other offers I created tickets for.... the numbers are all in the screenshots, but ok, I will collect them for you. As if the number of tickets I need to create are not a shame on themselves. This way earning wgt credits becomes even more time consuming than it already was in the first place.

    Ticket #395561
    Ticket #395619
    Ticket #396781
    Ticket #398051

    And then there is Ticket #402857. Rejected after review (without any correpondence) and I really wonder why. When creating the ticket I added attached screenshot, for I did not get any confirmation through e-mail. The screenshot proves I completed the offer, so I really expect to get these credits.

    Yes, I am annoyed. Please don't hold that against me. Truth of the matter is that so far my experience with SupersonicAds has not been all that satisfying. I hope we get things sorted out without too much further hastle.




    On 3-12-2012 14:34, SupersonicAds Customer Support wrote:

    Please send us the ticket numbers.

    Thank you,

    SupersonicAds Customer Support Team


    On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 2:05 PM, xxx wrote:


    One screenshot would not have been enough to display all the offers , so I made some more. See attachments.

    While we are at it. There are quiet some tickets unanswered so far, as you can see in the screenshots. Could I get a response to every ticket that has been unanswered so far ?




    On 2-12-2012 9:59, SupersonicAds Customer Support wrote:

    Thank you for reaching to us,
    If you've clicked on the the offer, you can see it afterward on your status page, If can't see it please try to scroll down the page and look for it there.
    If you still can't see it please send us a screenshot of your entire status page.

    Thank you,

    SupersonicAds Customer Support Team


    On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 7:35 PM, xxx wrote:

    Thank you for the response. I believe however there is a misunderstanding. As stated in my first mail (in Dutch) the offer never appeared in the list of all offers I participated in. I know the procedure of creating a ticket when not receiving credits all too well, but that's of no use now for the bulletstar offer is not in the list.

    In the meantime I reached the desired level of mobster, see attachments for the proof.

    I used the e-mail address xxx to participate in the bulletstar offer.

    Feel free to respond in Dutch or English.





    ----- Original Message -----

    From: SupersonicAds Customer Support

    Sent: 11/29/12 01:09 PM

    To: xxx

    Subject: Re: Fw: bullet star

    Below *is the process which should always be followed to report missing 
    Thank you for your email. What you should do is open a ticket on our 
    customer service platform. In order to do so: 
    Go to "View Earning Status" in the top right corner of the offerwall where 
    you can see all the offers you filled out. 
    If you didn't receive points then please open a ticket by pressing “Missing 
    points”. Please note the ticket characters must be at least *100*. After 
    you open the ticket *please email us the ticket #*. 
    Thank you, 
    SupersonicAds Customer Support Team 
    2012/11/28 xxx

    > Hello, > > In a day or two I expect to reach the desired rank of mobster. Please > respond. > > Regards, > > R. > > ================================================================ > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: xxx > > Sent: 11/27/12 08:59 AM > > To: > > Subject: bullet star > > Hallo, > > Op 22-11-2012 heb ik n.a.v. een aanbieding van jullie op een > account aangemaakt op om het spel bulletstar te spelen. > Bij het bereiken van de rang Mobster zou ik 880 (of daaromtrend, i.i.g. > ergens in de 800) wgt-credits ontvangen. Nu kom ik de aanbieding nergens > meer tegen. Ook niet tussen alle aanbiedingen waar ik aan heb deelgenomen, > daar waar ik een ticket kan aanmaken als ik geen credits heb ontvangen. > In de tussentijd speel ik me mottig op bulletstar (sorry hoor, niet echt > mijn spel) om de vereiste rank te behalen, maar nu vraag ik me af hoe ik > hier ooit m'n 880 wgt-credits voor kan krijgen, als de aanbieding nergens > meer is terug te vinden. Ik heb dan (als ik de credits niet ontvang) dus > ook geen startpunt om een ticket aan te maken. Wat nu ? > > Groetjes, > > R.


    Google translate starting post: > To go short: I am participating in an offer, but it never showed up in my list of offers, so I can't create a ticket.



    > On 11/22/2012 I nav an offer from you on one
    > Account created the game bullet star play.
    > Upon reaching the rank Mobster I 880 (or why trend, IIG
    > Somewhere in the 800) wgt credits received. Now I offer the nowhere
    > Anymore. Nor between all offers which I've participated,
    > Where I can create a ticket if I do not have credits received.
    > In the meantime I play on my drizzly bullet star (sorry, not really
    > My game) to the required rank to achieve, but now I wonder how I
    > Here once my 880 credits for wgt can get, if the offer nowhere
    > More can be found. I then (if I do not receive the credits) so
    > No starting point to create a ticket. What now?
    > Regards,
    > R.


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:23 AM
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr
    12.24.12 Supersonic earned -60 credits Completed Offer -60 Cr


    12.25.12 Supersonic earned -77 credits Completed Offer -77 Cr
    12.25.12 Supersonic earned -65 credits Completed Offer -65 Cr


    12.27.12 Supersonic earned -51 credits Completed Offer -51 Cr


    12.31.12 Supersonic earned -79 credits Completed Offer -79 Cr
    12.31.12 Supersonic earned -83 credits Completed Offer -83 Cr
    12.31.12 Supersonic earned -63 credits Completed Offer -63 Cr





    Other wgt members experience with SupersonicAds:


    PETITION for get rid of SUPERSONIC

    Peanut Labs and supersonic scams . BAN THEM

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 3:55 AM

    I have lots of issues myself where I do a offer and never get credits :(

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 4:14 AM

    Reading that post brings back some horrible memories...

    Glad I stopped putting myself through the ordeal of dealing with such an obtuse company months ago.

    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 6:08 AM


    GoodLuck.. with ALL that.. .. 

    hope it's worth all yer trouble's .... id say in the time it took ya to post all that... i did a survey an made some creds.. 

    have always ..just went with the,,, some ya win some ya looze in the free cred world...and seam to get enuf to play free ... WITHOUT stressing out over the ones that don't pay ..


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 6:21 AM

    We're talking $10 here, and depending on how you look at it, it is or is not worth all the trouble. I just feel like I can't let 'm get away with this, for they are obviously a bunch of cry babies getting back at me for persisting. They never addressed the issue remember.

    Ignoring my attempt to receive those credits...not ok, but ok... but then I see they remove 3 x 60 credits from my account.....I did not recently complete 3x 60c offers !!!, so I can only see that as pure bullying or even a pitiful attempt to intimidate..... and for that they do find time on Christmas eve.... no explanations for anything, not ever, no time for explaining things or making things right..... but yeah, for withdrawing credits from someone they do have time on Christmas eve.

    That to me says a whole lot about who I am dealing with and I'd like to show all of you who we are dealing with here. That's my motivation now. Not the (over) 1000 credits they owe me (for there are a number of offers unrewarded).


  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 9:52 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 10:01 PM

    In the mean time, try out the Tour SD's under your tree.


    Hey, it's still the 25th here.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 11:26 PM

    Thanks for the balls M., I'll take that as some kind of moral support. Anyway appreciated. A merry Xmas to you.

    In the meantime this nice Christmasstory continues.....

    -142 credits on first Christmas day...

    12.25.12 Supersonic earned -77 credits Completed Offer -77 Cr
    12.25.12 Supersonic earned -65 credits Completed Offer -65 Cr


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