Hey Gary, I am not here to convince you about the feature but bronto is right, if you know how to read the uneven lie grid, you can not only get out of trouble, but you can land your ball close to the flag too.
The faster the UL dots grid move, the bigger aim adjustment needs it, either sideways or up & down.
If I can make a critic about the UL grid at the moment is the lack of good and necessary information to make the best adjustment:
- the grid is too small & only two dots move sideways only two dots move up & down,
- it is difficult to see the steep of the lie because of the angle from which you view the grid
- you can only get an idea of the up or down hill by watching the dots move and their speed
Here is a little tutorial...my own way.
To make the adjustments before the shot from fairway, rough and sand, I do the following;
- look at the grid color; black = even lie (flat shot), green = easy forward shot, yellow = (some steep lie) possible forward shot but being aware of the dots speed, red = impossible forward shot (very steep lie) you need to hit backwards or to a place for a forward shot.
- look at the dots moving sideways and then make my decision of how much I need to move my aim, pretty much like moving the aim sideways due to the wind amount & direction
- look at the dots moving up or down and make my decision about hit power.
This is ONE more factor then the regular ones you use for even lies. It takes longer or even much longer time to make decisions for your shot, you need to have a good amount of patience.
Best way to learn it; grab the starter balls and pick up any course with uneven lies mode.
Some tips:
- fly of the ball is much lower when down hill shot, mind objects ahead
- dots moving faster down or up = less distance (you need to add more power (lower iron) to the shot
- less grip at landing when down hill shots
- big lost of power when chipping, pitching or flopping close to the green, especially on steep shots
- shots around the green can be nasty if you miss-judge the direction of the shot or miss the ding (THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION NEEDS TO BE TUNED UP whenever the feature is officially released)
There are more tips to mention but I could be here for hours LOL, I might need to update this little tutorial whenever I remember something important.
Well, hope it helps to understand the feature :-)
To me the uneven lies is nothing else but GREAT fun!
Cheers, Eric