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How to Post Your Scorecard (Windows)

Wed, Oct 16 2024 10:12 AM (384 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:50 AM


    I hope you won't mind me posting this video Zio but I recorded it before you posted.

    Andy, it's not for Photobucket but TinyPic (no account needed).

    just joined photobucket Scott and couldn't get your vid to play 'error occured'  thx though.


    Edit. it worked when I re-posted it...just watched it and got lost when / how you put the http No's in, then link it here 

    Got a card uploaded but now stuck how to get it here.... ;-(

    Must only be a couple of clicks away..frustrating, h8t being a novice at anything ;-)


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:12 AM
    In the video, when I uploaded the image to TinyPic, at 1:04 I copied the 'Direct Link For Layouts' then, at 1:58, I pasted that copied link into the insert media box (ensuring you delete the 'http://' that is already in there before pasting your link), I then adjusted the width to 450 to ensure the whole picture is visable. If you have uploaded your picture through Photobucket you will need to use the 'Direct' link to paste into the 'Insert Media' box for your forum post.
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:13 AM


    Did you upload it with Photobucket or TinyPic Andy?

    photobucket, I'd already done it before I read your post about Tinypic.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:35 AM
    Okay, if you view your picture in Photobucket can you see a Direct link somewhere on the page.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:05 AM

    Okay, if you view your picture in Photobucket can you see a Direct link somewhere on the page.

    lol, sent photobucket a help request...can't even see the uploaded photo anymore lmao.....2 hrs just wasted :-)

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:09 AM
    Did you give the picture a title after you uploaded it?  Might be able to do a search with that.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:24 AM

    it had a title in my files but there is only one pic in photobucket album...I just can't see anything to click on to

    Off to get a 52 on Leadbetter...another thankless task ;-)

    Edit : 58...5 pars didn't help !  Jeez them white tees are short ;-)

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:35 AM
    I'll PM you from now on.


  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 11:42 AM


    How to post a scorecard (Windows)



    Here is how I post scorecards using the program called Dropbox . I have found this way to be the easiest and the program is on your computer so you don't need to sign in to another website. 


    1)  Take a screenshot of your computer screen. If using a Windows, press the Prt Scr button as seen in the image below. 


    2)  Next, the image is saved as a copy. You must paste this image somewhere. Open the program Paint. Right click, in the paint window, and select paste or click on the workspace in paint and hold down CTRL-V to paste

    Below is an image of a full screen shot of how it should look now in Paint.


    3)  Next, crop the image to remove the borders and ads. First, choose the Select button as seen below.



    4)  With the Select button chosen, use your mouse to draw a rectangle around the scorecard. You can see the dotted line rectangle around the scorecard below. If you mess up, hit the left blue arrow above File at the top or the screen or press CTRL-Z to undo.



    5)  Next, hit the crop button which is located by the red arrow in the image below and your screen should look similar to the image below.


    6)  Save this image by selecting File > Save as. Choose to save this image as a PNG picture. Select where you would like to save this image.


    7)  I highly recommend using the program Dropbox. It is a free cloud storage program that allows you to save stuff to their site so that you can access it from any computer. I have found that it is the easiest way to post pictures. 

    Dropbox --  Dropbox program and it's Free

    Download Dropbox to your computer and install.


    8)  Save (and rename) the image to a folder under the main Dropbox folder on your computer under the folder labeled Public.(Refer to step 6). 


    9)  Locate the image in your Dropbox folder. Right click on the image and select Copy Public Link. Nothing will happen but you have copied the address to your image. 


    10)  Next, in your message in WGT, choose the Insert Media icon shown below.


    11)   Insert the link that you copied in Step 9 where it says Media URL by either right clicking and selecting paste or by holding down CTRL-V. Select Insert.


    12)  Almost done! You should see your image appear in the message box BUT it is still too big unfortunately. You need to resize the image of the scorecard. Left click on the image so that it is highlighted in blue and select the Edit Image icon shown by the image below.


    13)   Under the new Edit Image window enter under Dimensions, 450 and leave the second box blank. Your screen should like similar to that as below. Next clickUpdate.



    It's a pain but till WGT helps us out that is just the way it is. After a couple times you'll get good at it. The dimension 450 is the magic number so if an image is too big follow step 13) and enter 450


    Hope that helps and if you have any questions please ask. I've been down the same road as well.

    Disclaimer: I use a Mac but I have Windows on it as well. I believe the above is correct but some things are not the same for me using Windows as it may be for you. If there is a mistake or a faster way let me know and I will add it in above.

    Also it should be noted that if you move the location of the image inside the dropbox folder then the image link will be broken. You can change images or update images by re-saving a new image using the name of the old image. This prevents the need to upload a new image and edit the post to add the new image. 


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 11:46 AM
    Very nice post Elk.