LMBO,,, I LOVE the big green arrow, next time put a big DOPEY on it for me will you please,,,,,Really LMAO,, I am using a lap top. I am thiking of getting a dedicated middle of the road tower, my tounge is like sand paper & the saliva is a b^*+h to clean up before I type. I will look 4 the button you told me about.
I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but, I already deleated the hhtp gringuss.
I have a sun with a down arrow button & a sun with an up arrow button. Am i supposed to be changing from night and day perhaps??
OH I FOUND IT. ok I am gong to go mentaly abuse myself again.
Hey I heard that all you people. Already mentaly abused. Naughty people. Insightful but still naughty.
Thanks Scott