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Price for credits

Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:29 PM (31 replies)
  • LifeWellLived
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 12:05 AM

    idk but it is quite expensive and balls should last longer


  • OWN3R
    58 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:56 PM

    Ball price and their life is a brutal kick in the nuts that's has the devs laughing all the way to the bank, well their accountants anyhow as I'm sure they stopped doing any petty tasks a couple years ago and their only worries now is their wives getting porked by the pool boy and divorcing them for their loot :)

  • Lubedude
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 8:17 PM

    I would like to see an annual golf club membership.Unlimited equipment and course play for $59.99 per year. Roughly the cost for an EA SPORTS 2013 Tiger Woods Golf Game for XBOX 360.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 11:42 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:00 PM


    Hopefully someone closes this thread, it's just stupid now, I guess you guys never complain about the fuel prices at the pump do you? I know you do,  So live life the way you talk here, don't complain about the price of fuel when it is your choice to drive, you could simply walk, enough said.

    No need to close thread.


    I agree with you, there should be more 'bang for your buck'. Surely it would benefit players and WGT because it would encourage people to spend more.

    Okay, we are not going to see 20,000 credits for your $50, but the ratio should change the more you spend.

    $10 - 1000 credits

    $20 - 2500 credits

    $30 - 4000 credits etc. 




  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 5:13 AM


  • gazcoll
    341 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 6:28 AM

    Balls are way too expensive,how can a sleeve of balls which last a few days if lucky cost more than a wedge which will for as long as you want it.An idea buy a dozen in 1 go and get a sleeve free or 12 balls for price of 9,my credits are dwindling so fast all from purchasing balls.

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:19 AM

    Now lets get this straight, once you have paid for some decent clubs - balls are free on here....

    If you wanna play with fancy ones thats up to you - so get on with it and stop the bleating.



  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:36 AM



    This has been done to death, understood and do sympathize but [you're] actually fortunate that costs aren't increasing at a more rapid rate, rather than complaining so costs might go down? ;) Why; some might ask? Well, decades ago, economics used to be based on 'supply and demand'. Mass production of highly desired products kept prices low.

    But 'Flash' forward (pun intended) to nowadays and realize it is now the opposite. "The more desirable the product, the more they can make you pay; not less."  That is the beauty or ugliness of today's Capitalism, depending on which side you're on. In other words, Coca Cola could probably still cost consumers only 25 cents per can but that would mean only a $2 billion profit instead of $10 billion profit. Don't quote me on the "25 cents" or the "$2 billion" or the "$10 billion" because it was just used for example purposes. :) I have no idea what the costs or profits are or could be but people will pay today's high prices for a bottle of Coke or anything, simply because it's "highly desirable" and Coke is even more mass-produced than ever before. And that is what Capitalists eventually figured out, along with downsizing; to maximize profits even more. Too bad consumers and Governments haven't figured it out yet? lol

    So Coke can charge whatever they want 'just because they can'. Hey, how about that; another pun. :) Same goes for other businesses and thus we're fortunate not to be paying 1000 credits per ball etc. because WGT is getting even larger and more desirable. Which again is their prerogative to operate as they see fit and since it is Their Company, not ours. :) We can ask and hope that some day prices might come down but don't be surprised if they go up instead?


  • Shoehornet
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:54 PM

    I guess. I am the only one who not paying to play?

    Kind of reminds me of EVE ONLINE and Incursions. :)