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Bad losers

Fri, Sep 5 2014 4:39 AM (12 replies)
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  • pastlife63
    55 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 9:47 AM

    Anyone else getting fed up with bad losers disconnecting because they are getting beat or having a bad game? i have many more bad than good games but i've never disconnected as i know how frustrating it is to have to sit around for 5 minutes before you can  go for another game.

    I just  beat a player who was on Master level, (I am Tour Pro) astounding for me and in fairness they were not playing well but once she realised she couldn't win instead of  playing on by example to a lower tier player she just quit. I rarely get a game anymore where i am allowed to win outright on the rare occasion it happens because no one can  show enough  b***s to see the game through.

  • bigstickdude
    19 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 10:20 AM

    i get  t he samething, there's a bunchof quitters out there

  • TonyTavanya
    101 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 5:12 PM

    Sick to death of them !

    No manners, no respect and no guts ... and sincerly no brains either cos they could at least forfeit on thier turn to let the other players continue thier game without having to wait !!!

    ( Won't ask for too much ... like saying sorry & goodbye for example !!! )

    I come here for fun, and to relax with decent people playing a decent game ... these "idiots" really spoil it for a lot of people on here, no ?

    Anything you can do to track and penalise these people WGT ? ( Or at least cut down the 2.5min  to 5 min waiting time maybe ! ?


    Ahhhhh feel better for having said all that LOL .....  ;-)

  • vincent59
    60 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 10:15 PM

    you know what gets me is that i am new here but everytime i try to play unless your a hack like me no touring pros or whatever else there is wont play you i would like pointerson things but none of you superstars dont want to take te time but werent you all hacks too!!!!!!

  • Firenzo
    545 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 10:21 PM


    you know what gets me is that i am new here but everytime i try to play unless your a hack like me no touring pros or whatever else there is wont play you i would like pointerson things but none of you superstars dont want to take te time but werent you all hacks too!!!!!!

    That isn't always the case Vincent. I was lucky enough to join a terrific CC, with very helpful and friendly players. They gave me LOTS of help (sometimes too much LOL) and I have now made it to Tour Master. Look around for a friendly cc. It did wonders for me. 

  • vincent59
    60 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:47 PM

    thanks ido think theres is people out therelike that but i havent found any but i will take yur advice thanks

  • bigdognz
    61 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 12:13 AM

    you will find once you get up the tiers this will happen less often, Hardly ever happens in Tout Master and Legend alt shot games...

  • pastlife63
    55 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 10:12 AM

    I agree there's a fair few who  play and don't say a word, that's fine  some people aren't there to chat, just play, but i will say that in my experience from the start when i have played anyone more experienced they all been more than happy to advise me, I expect I've been lucky, or perhaps you've been a bit unlucky, I am  only a Tour Pro and average player but i'd be ahppy if you wanted to add me as a friend and have a few games, and if there was anything I could tell you i would, 

    Here is one thing I learned from an advanced player when I was much lower you may already know it but, if you are on the green and say you are 10 feet away for your put and it says it rises by 3 inches, you need to add 1 foot of distance to your put for each inch it rises, so you'd be putting somewhere near 13 foot, the same is true if your ten foot put is sloping down 3 inches, you'd knock off a foot for each inch and play around a 7 foot putt,  apart from that you have to take in to consideration the speed of the green so for me, i play on very fast greens so on my over all total i'll knock off just short of 3 feet on any decent length put, if i was on just fast green i'd knock off maybe a foot to 18 inches etc,  the one foot for 1 inch is a good benchmark to start with, you could play some practice rounds to  refine it,  getting that little bit of advice was a big help for me as i always land 15 to 20 feet from the hole.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 10:52 AM

      try walking a mile in my shoes, Than judge.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 10:58 AM


    thanks ido think theres is people out therelike that but i havent found any but i will take yur advice thanks

    Just like in real life, you may find some people you don't get along with in our game. Country Clubs are a great way to find a group of like-minded people you can integrate with. Check out the Country Club recruitment section of this forum and find a club that fits. I know from personal experience there are dozens of players waiting to help newcomers like yourself :)


    Stay classy,


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