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Mon, Jan 7 2013 8:57 PM (10 replies)
  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:08 AM


    Lyrac, there is something very important you should take from this thread - I AM NOT WGT. I am a guy who facilitates communication between the company and it's community.

    You certainly are. That WGT in front of your name makes it so. You can't have it both ways, trying to hang out under the guise of a go-between while wielding the power you do. You represent WGT whether you think so or not.

    That's calling a shovel a shovel, the original term is racist.

    To the OP, I get ya, soon to be another dormant legend account I suspect.

    The only ones OK with this are the level 88 and above legends with the now gigantic equipment advantage over the new "bubble gum legends", shame on you all. In my books it is not OK to take away someones enjoyment of this game so others may take advantage of them.

    Ya play blitz, stay away from MPC no matter how much fun it was once, or that it is by far the best game here. Does not matter, because anyone making Legend in the last 3 weeks or in the future is and will remain a "bubble gum legend."


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:11 AM


    .   Either learn it, deal with it, and get better  ... or don't .... complaining about it has never nor will ever change a thing.

    Just saying ...

    My thoughts exactly. What's done is done.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:37 AM

    I still do remember the love i had for this game, and remember how proud i felt as i slowly knocked teeny bits off my average towards what i saw as my pinnacle in this game- making legend how ever body else had to. You took that pride away and gave me some scuzzy  2nd rate legend status

    I've been saying this all along. This is ONE of the "little-big piece" of the game WGT changed, and with that change there will be players that will never feel that excitement of turning  LEGEND.

    I dont know how it was for most players when they turned Legend but I was one of the "fortunate" ones who DESERVED Legend status. I remember day, after day, after day, game, after game, after game, getting closer and closer,  to breaking the magical 61 AVERAGE,,lol. It was a Saturday morning, Bethpage Front 9. Birdie, after birdie, after birdie to end with a 29. Before I even went to my Profile page I KNEW. This was it. This is the game that will FINALLY make me a  Legend. Man!  When I saw Legend by my name, it was sooo cool. It was a veeeeery cool experience.

    I think this is one of the points Lyrac is trying to convey.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 7:05 AM


    The real pain is multi accounting, Aphrodite CC is literally 5 or so honest nice guys and 1 fake woman with 48 other fake female accounts.

    Ohh! I do not think this was called for, thats for sure. Come on ER, you're better than that.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 7:11 AM

    I was to 61.8 and actualy looking forward to them last points with the challenge to do it in a year, which is a lot longer than some whizz kids who could stand a bit of looking at and thats when bamm i beat a legend and all my dreams was shattered in shards of making it the way people before me did,

    Sorry  Lyric I don't see where you've got anything to gripe about. This system was already in place and you knew well if you beat a legend in match play at the time you played them it could and more than likely would move you up to legend. If you wanted to shave off that extra .8 like the rest of us legends that have made it that way then you could have easily worked on doing just that. But you didn't so you played the legend fully aware of what the consequences would be. So IMO you have nothing to gripe about.

    Remember making this statement after this system was already in place and you were still a TM?


    Tue, Nov 6 2012 6:21 PM

    "but you should know that WGT gives 110% to everything it does "


    Do you give blood? just wondering lol


    Also ive stopped playing altogethr and i have MPs to play x 6 in November all agenst legends but i wont because i want to be a real legend not a plastic one because who knows it may only take one win and bam Im a flippin legend when i dont have earned it the way i set out to when i started.



    You made legend after this statement by beating one and moved up to legend I believe on Nov. 14. So from what I can see you did it to yourself with full knowledge. You may think the system unfair and that is fine but you were moved up knowingly of your own accord so live with it.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 7:21 AM

    The real pain is multi accounting, Aphrodite CC is literally 5 or so honest nice guys and 1 fake woman with 48 other fake female accounts.

    you want to watch running your mouth off.

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 7:22 AM



    The real pain is multi accounting, Aphrodite CC is literally 5 or so honest nice guys and 1 fake woman with 48 other fake female accounts.


    Ohh! I do not think this was called for, thats for sure. Come on ER, you're better than that.

    Lolz, im not jeff ;) But seriously, yes your right, my bad.... or is it....;)

    Aphrodite. The name of a cc a guy would make up, thinking it was really feminine...

    ill stop now ;(

  • sebicu
    427 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 7:58 AM

    staying in the shadow of so many great players must have really clouded your judgement Rosey....i suggest a long visit to the shrink

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:08 AM

    ]EnglishRosey wrote the following post at 01-04-2013 6:58 AM:

    "ironically you proved the system does work in this statement. Ducati was moved up by WGT, because he was a bagger, he was a tour pro who use to play a lot of mpc and shoot 28s and 29s against legends. He was not a legit player. He is not so bad nowadays as he replaced his bs on the course with his bs on the forum, but he was massive bagger. WGT is moving in the right direction to stop this unsporting behaviour. WGT also reimbursed me for the game i lost to him, bumped him up a tier and stopped his challenge play.

    And as the legend Lou said; loads of us were made legend over night and dealt with it...

    The real pain is multi accounting, Aphrodite CC is literally 5 or so honest nice guys and 1 fake woman with 48 other fake female accounts. :)"


    Cheers Rosey...just to correct you a bit. WGT did not move me up. I played stroke play individual rounds and moved up....please check my history and see that.....I've played exactly 29 mp's vs. legends....20 of which were from my friends list. Also, and here is the flat lied about being reimbursed for the game you lost to me...we never played...I challenge you to pull up from either my or your history a single game we've played with, or against each other. I joined a game that you had set up and cancelled before we started...big difference....not my b.s. on the forum....that would be yours. I'd invite you to look at my forum "b.s"...much of it was related to clubs and balls I gave away from contests I posted. Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you, but, please....have whatever opinions you like, but, there is no need to lie to try and make a point.

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:11 AM

    I'd invite you to look at my forum "b.s"...much of it was related to clubs and balls I gave away from contests I posted.


    And as one of the very lucky recepients I thank you again. Nice reply, btw.