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Mon, Jan 7 2013 8:57 PM (10 replies)
  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:38 PM

    For anyone who wants to catch up on the thread and continue a conversation about it, here is a direct link

    Thanks for the link. Found this --"after criticizing them for a few years, will say thank you wgt for your first real attempt, it needs to be tweaked but it is definitely the way to go,but will you address the issue of multi accounts as well"-- on the third page. But, for the life of me, couldn't find a response. Multi-accounters are still rampant. What is being done on this front? Don't mean to hijack this thread, just thought this was another relevant subject from the previous thread. If someone were to just HONESTLY answer the questions in the first place, there would be no need for dragging up issues that should have already been resolved.

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:44 PM

     i was off the gun too, so theres hope for you yet if you dont mind my saying without you getting all spooked and desprate to scope in on me again


      Let me put it this way...


    Say I am a Tour Pro and I win 2 out of 3 MP's against Masters, TM's and Legends...

    Let's say I play a lot of AS and only post 3 or 4 ranked round over a two month period...


    Do you think I should stay a TP? 

    Or do you feel I have shown that I can play well against higher tiered individuals/player and should be moved up to compete accordingly?


    Now as far as your concern of trying to knock that last .8 off your average to "earn" your Legend status..well..posting 2 or 3 ranked rounds over a two month may take a year..why not post a ranked round a day?


    I know why, and you said so much your self, as you "wanted to take it easy" as a TM, well..the vast majority of those "wanting to take it easy" are doing so at the expense of other players in MP and the occasional RG.


    Your earning reflected on your profile are not an indication of MPC's earned..if you play just for fun, then I can see your point (as I have stated before that I feel MP's -for fun-should NOT be counted towards advancement in tiers).



  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:47 PM

    I understood that the MP record, rounds played and the comment about the system working...were directed at me and my post which got the other thread locked?  Is that not the case....if not...then my apologies...If so, then I said....


    I'm sorry, I thought in my first reply I quoted the OP *seems I did not*...had nothing to do with yourself.


    All's good.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:55 PM


    I understood that the MP record, rounds played and the comment about the system working...were directed at me and my post which got the other thread locked?  Is that not the case....if not...then my apologies...If so, then I said....


    I'm sorry, I thought in my first reply I quoted the OP *seems I did not*...had nothing to do with yourself.


    All's good.

    Cheers M...and belated happy New Year.

  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 12:14 AM


     i was off the gun too, so theres hope for you yet if you dont mind my saying without you getting all spooked and desprate to scope in on me again


      Let me put it this way...


    Say I am a Tour Pro and I win 2 out of 3 MP's against Masters, TM's and Legends...

    Let's say I play a lot of AS and only post 3 or 4 ranked round over a two month period...


    Do you think I should stay a TP? 

    Or do you feel I have shown that I can play well against higher tiered individuals/player and should be moved up to compete accordingly?


    Now as far as your concern of trying to knock that last .8 off your average to "earn" your Legend status..well..posting 2 or 3 ranked rounds over a two month may take a year..why not post a ranked round a day?


    I know why, and you said so much your self, as you "wanted to take it easy" as a TM, well..the vast majority of those "wanting to take it easy" are doing so at the expense of other players in MP and the occasional RG.


    Your earning reflected on your profile are not an indication of MPC's earned..if you play just for fun, then I can see your point (as I have stated before that I feel MP's -for fun-should NOT be counted towards advancement in tiers).



    I dont know how to post a bit here and there from a post in quotes, so i had to do the whole lot, pologies for long winding it but...

    you see what i mean when i say you dont know me at all right?

    All i play is what you say, a couple of rounds a day, and since i joined a club, most of them in the competitions we had for fun its all there anyone apparently can see that. that dont make me anything but what i am, a player who plays a few rounds a day. since being made plastic legend i still do that not counting chrismass break only now its all mp for fun on wgtls in the mp leagues. so why how come do that make me some kind of criminal to you then?

    whats so wrong with me wanting to achieve something for myself, by myself, like giving me a target that i can feel proud about meeting. mine was to make legend in a year and by the time i was 61.8, i still had time to do that, even if all i had time for was one or two games a day. my target wasnt to get named in the post count hall of fame, or to take credits from other people or to get rich quick in credits i cant even spend except on equipment and i have what i need thanks to free offers and a couple friends who took the time to know who i am and that. i didnt beg stuff or even ask for stuff because im not use to doing that.

    so I dont think im bad people for wanting to do things my way, like any proud legend had to do. I may be bad to some folks it seems for being mouthy and outraged publicly where people can see it, but thats because i had my heart set on doing that thing, and now its broken. see, others may like the idea of a free push to get there, but for me, that was a push i definatly didnt want and in that other post there are lots of other people who feel the same. I dont think they are sandbaggers any more than i am and i simply cant compute why a sandbager would even come on here moaning when the event have already happened, they would just restart i imagine and carry on doing there slippery deals with a new name.

    and about a tour pro winning 2 out of three, no i dont think he/she should be shoved up for that it dont prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are ready to be something better at all, all it says is that they are determined and quite good on the day, or that who they played was having bad hair or a case of the cbas, and trust me ive had a few of those since this happened, ask anyone at wgtls in the december league in my division. my bottom lip has been in the way of my clubs for two months now and ok i should grow up some would say but im sorry i cant help the way i feel.

    plus of course i never took it well when someone else butted in and told me i couldnt do a thing my way cos like everyone else i like to think my way is ok. and that dont make me bad either, that just confirms im human and pretty normal.

    now all i got left here at wgt is the leagues, AS games and friendly MP against whoever will still play a legend. I played two or else 3 games since being bumped just to try to prove to myself i could have done it and trust me i was so proud getting a 28 at legend and looking at a false 56 average for a few days but at least there some comfort thinking that 28 and whatever else i got might, might have taken me under 61.

    still think you should take the time to actually know me and then maybe you wouldnt think i was doing any one a bad deal, but thats up to you, i guess you wouldnt want to catch my tears and offer me a tissue anyway from the way you put yopur clever goggles on and tried to make fun. hope still though hey? no ones all bad, me, nor you right?

    ps. I just seen you thought i only posted two or 3 ranked over a two month period, i read it first as "per day over a 2 or 3 month period". well go and look again and you will see i posted two or three a day in all my history up to when i was legendised, certainly not two or 3  over a 2 month period. i think you read it wrong

    but this isnt about me really is it?

    I edited this last bit after ^^

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:29 AM

    i was so proud getting a 28 at legend and looking at a false 56 average for a few days but at least there some comfort thinking that 28 and whatever else i got might, might have taken me under 61.

    I sort of understand your wanting to do it the 'hard way', I'm glad I made Legend before the rule changes.

    BUT the rules were in place and everyone knew after a week what happened to your ave in certain game modes, so if you wanted to go the 'hard route' then you should of just played ranked rounds and no MP or RGs.(you can argue that that's not fair but it's the way it is for everyone)

    I don't think you should worry so much, 0.8 is neither here nor there, and your 28 shows you were ready big time.

    There are many 'plastic' Legends out there now, which has made a bit of a mockery of the tier (about a quarter I play with now I'm surprised they made T/M) but I think you can still 'walk tall, with pride, to the tee box knowing you belong.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:33 AM

    Lyrac, there is something very important you should take from this thread - I AM NOT WGT. I am a guy who facilitates communication between the company and it's community.

    You certainly are. That WGT in front of your name makes it so. You can't have it both ways, trying to hang out under the guise of a go-between while wielding the power you do. You represent WGT whether you think so or not.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:58 AM

    I'm guessing some of you folks would have quit had you been here in the fall of 2010.    Lots of us were pushed into a Legend tier overnight.

    Personally I went to bed one day a Master with a 68.5 average .. and woke up the next day a Legend.  Still can't figure out why.    This happened to a lot of the guys / girls I play with.   Took me over 2 yrs to work my average down to low 60's ... and to learn the game well enough to play the Legend tee boxes & Greens.  Even now my game isn't even close to the real good players.  

    Here is a tip that will can relieve a lot of the stress some of you are having with this.    At the end of the day .. WGT is a game in which things change all the time.   Either learn it, deal with it, and get better  ... or don't .... complaining about it has never nor will ever change a thing.

    Just saying ...

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:59 AM

    Yes sir, you are the acting agent 

    I do have to say that Icon and yourself do a pretty good job, I might not agree with everything you say or do ( icon knows what I'm talking about .......LOL) but you guys handle this forum and it's problems in a timely manner at least you have for me in the past


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:06 AM



    I'll be certain to ask you what you think before I post next time....because.....that's important to know?


    Sweet of you...but you were not quoted in my (or C's) reply.




    I understood that the MP record, rounds played and the comment about the system working...were directed at me and my post which got the other thread locked?  Is that not the case....if not...then my apologies...If so, then I said....


    Not you at all Duc. It's all good though.