well im sorry this has gone off whack a bit but for them people who say suck it up, your right and i should, but that dont make it easy to accept now does it.
and for them who say i knowingly played a legend and moved up, even after making that there post well in the leagues you either play them or you get some electronic loss recorded against you which means you get a mad little man jumping up and down with a sign post going grrr grrr and of course you lose the points you might have had if youd played. so hobsons choice really, what would you have done.
thats at wgtls btw and i know about the man because i was away most of december so i couldnt even play at all and i got the man then.
so. my choice was to play and delibratly lose those mp games against legends, and you dont get a choice of partner, if they in your league you play them and i think they were all legends that month, or play to win. i was aiming at being in the top division from number 5 so it was a big thing for me and i chose the honorable thing and went all out to win and i did, only to end up where i did. fact is, i took a chance thinking ok, this things to stop cheats right? so im not cheating by doing what i can to win and maybe im not the one wgt is out to get because if anyone, they know who is gaming for profit unfairly cos they must have all the facts figures and bust sizes at their fingertips. i was wrong as it turns out, and my riginal point, and the one i keep bleating about is that whatever system they picked has also hit genuine players and this particlar one, me, is still upset about it, and the way we get talked at about our concerns.
I can see it over now, and for that I want to thank Ivietri having read what he/she said about 2010.
i would have broke a bra if that was me so from now on, i'll shut up and do my thing. no promises mind because yes, if something gets me in the goat, i'll speak about it out loud, sorry if that offends delicate personalities, but like me, your just going have to deal arent you?