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What’s The Point?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 21 2013 11:24 AM (20 replies)
  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:19 AM

    Finally got to 1st Place in a Sweeps late Thursday night for the first time ever and gosh, what a surprise, a Legend took over First Place before I even woke up today! lol

    Man o man; what part of “making tournaments, challenges and sweeps Fair For Everyone, does anybody not understand”? :) Or, to put it another way; what part of “making it an Equal Playing Field so Everyone can have Fun and at least have A Chance to win a tournament, challenge or sweeps, does anybody not understand”? lol I know many people grumble about this all the time but nothing changes.

    C’mon folks, who enjoys getting slaughtered by the Same Top 1% Best Players week-after-week, month-after-month and year-after-year?  This is somehow somebody’s idea of having FUN and what about being FAIR? :)  Do Schools make the Junior football team play the Senior football team? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) Do Heavyweights fight Lightweights? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) etc. etc. etc. I must be from another galaxy though cuz that’s not my understanding of what ‘sportsmanship’ is.

    But why don’t they also have CTTHs and Sweeps exclusively for Legends playing against Legends and TMs playing against TMs and so forth? But to be truly fair; tournaments, challenges and sweeps should be also be based on the Same Strength of Driver and Balls and Average and Level too, IMO? In other words, why not ALSO have Tournaments strictly for players with averages in the 50s and/or a tourney for players with below 56 averages and a different tourney for players with averages between 56 and 60? Then have different tourneys for players with averages between 60 and 61 and another tourney for players with averages between 62 and 63 or something like that which might give All members a chance to win once in a while instead of mainly for those who can always score in the 50s? :)

    They could also have tourneys strictly for players that use Starter balls and also base those tourneys on the Same Strength of Driver and Average and Level? FYI, I did suggest these things to WGT as well but no response yet. Anyway, I’m merely suggesting some alternatives which some or perhaps many members might agree with? It makes no difference to me if they keep things the same too because we all have the choice to play the tournaments, challenges and sweeps or not. I’ve simply grown weary of an ‘unfair playing field’ and for the life of me; don’t understand why it continues? But it’s still a Great Game with plenty of variety and that will suffice. Thank you again WGT and Happy New Year To All! :)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:39 AM

    There have been a number of tournaments that were community sponsored that use standard equipment.  You don't get a lot of interest in them for several reasons.  First we all grew up on standard balls, clubs, etc. but haven't used them in a good while, going back takes several weeks or at least days of practice to get accustomed to them, most of the higher level players don't want to fool with that.  Secondly it is a pain to change back and forth between clubs, it has been suggested that we have club setups that we can just click and equip, be good for blitz, ctth or for starter tournaments.

    Many of the pay for tournaments are tier specific and a great many of the free tournaments are random drawing anyway.  It's a game and you don't have to gamble for credits if you don't want too. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:23 AM


    Finally got to 1st Place in a Sweeps late Thursday night for the first time ever and gosh, what a surprise, a Legend took over First Place before I even woke up today! lol

    Man o man; what part of “making tournaments, challenges and sweeps Fair For Everyone, does anybody not understand”? :) Or, to put it another way; what part of “making it an Equal Playing Field so Everyone can have Fun and at least have A Chance to win a tournament, challenge or sweeps, does anybody not understand”? lol I know many people grumble about this all the time but nothing changes.

    C’mon folks, who enjoys getting slaughtered by the Same Top 1% Best Players week-after-week, month-after-month and year-after-year?  This is somehow somebody’s idea of having FUN and what about being FAIR? :)  Do Schools make the Junior football team play the Senior football team? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) Do Heavyweights fight Lightweights? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) etc. etc. etc. I must be from another galaxy though cuz that’s not my understanding of what ‘sportsmanship’ is.

    But why don’t they also have CTTHs and Sweeps exclusively for Legends playing against Legends and TMs playing against TMs and so forth? But to be truly fair; tournaments, challenges and sweeps should be also be based on the Same Strength of Driver and Balls and Average and Level too, IMO? In other words, why not ALSO have Tournaments strictly for players with averages in the 50s and/or a tourney for players with below 56 averages and a different tourney for players with averages between 56 and 60? Then have different tourneys for players with averages between 60 and 61 and another tourney for players with averages between 62 and 63 or something like that which might give All members a chance to win once in a while instead of mainly for those who can always score in the 50s? :)

    They could also have tourneys strictly for players that use Starter balls and also base those tourneys on the Same Strength of Driver and Average and Level? FYI, I did suggest these things to WGT as well but no response yet. Anyway, I’m merely suggesting some alternatives which some or perhaps many members might agree with? It makes no difference to me if they keep things the same too because we all have the choice to play the tournaments, challenges and sweeps or not. I’ve simply grown weary of an ‘unfair playing field’ and for the life of me; don’t understand why it continues? But it’s still a Great Game with plenty of variety and that will suffice. Thank you again WGT and Happy New Year To All! :)

    It's not unfair that you have Legend quality equipment(R11 irons) and are at a Legend quality level(L91) while playing only CTTH as a TM. No ranked stroke play rounds in over a month but a 61.28 average. It's all fair isn't it?

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:34 AM


     If it was a SWEEPS, it makes no difference if you are in 1st place or 10,000th place. Both players have exaclty the same odds of winning a prize because it's a random drawing

     You grind for a low score. WHEN & IF I play a sweeps, I only play it once... and then I usually grab a starter ball and my putter,  dink my 9 shots maybe a total of 2 feet, then wait to see of they draw my name.

     As far as the score based CTTH,s ... I don't think tiers/averages/clubs make any difference whatoever. After all, it's the exact same 9 shots for everyone .... every single time.  Better clubs & balls might help, but anyone that KNOWS what their clubs/balls will do has the exact same chance to shoot low.

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 12:43 PM


    There have been a number of tournaments that were community sponsored that use standard equipment.  You don't get a lot of interest in them for several reasons.  First we all grew up on standard balls, clubs, etc. but haven't used them in a good while, going back takes several weeks or at least days of practice to get accustomed to them, most of the higher level players don't want to fool with that.  Secondly it is a pain to change back and forth between clubs, it has been suggested that we have club setups that we can just click and equip, be good for blitz, ctth or for starter tournaments.

    Many of the pay for tournaments are tier specific and a great many of the free tournaments are random drawing anyway.  It's a game and you don't have to gamble for credits if you don't want too.

    Hi, didn't suggest anything about "going back" or having tournaments using "standard equipment". :) Sorry but you missed the point of the topic entirely. :)


  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 12:45 PM



    Finally got to 1st Place in a Sweeps late Thursday night for the first time ever and gosh, what a surprise, a Legend took over First Place before I even woke up today! lol

    Man o man; what part of “making tournaments, challenges and sweeps Fair For Everyone, does anybody not understand”? :) Or, to put it another way; what part of “making it an Equal Playing Field so Everyone can have Fun and at least have A Chance to win a tournament, challenge or sweeps, does anybody not understand”? lol I know many people grumble about this all the time but nothing changes.

    C’mon folks, who enjoys getting slaughtered by the Same Top 1% Best Players week-after-week, month-after-month and year-after-year?  This is somehow somebody’s idea of having FUN and what about being FAIR? :)  Do Schools make the Junior football team play the Senior football team? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) Do Heavyweights fight Lightweights? No, because they would get “slaughtered” Every Time and there’s no FUN in that. Duh. : ) etc. etc. etc. I must be from another galaxy though cuz that’s not my understanding of what ‘sportsmanship’ is.

    But why don’t they also have CTTHs and Sweeps exclusively for Legends playing against Legends and TMs playing against TMs and so forth? But to be truly fair; tournaments, challenges and sweeps should be also be based on the Same Strength of Driver and Balls and Average and Level too, IMO? In other words, why not ALSO have Tournaments strictly for players with averages in the 50s and/or a tourney for players with below 56 averages and a different tourney for players with averages between 56 and 60? Then have different tourneys for players with averages between 60 and 61 and another tourney for players with averages between 62 and 63 or something like that which might give All members a chance to win once in a while instead of mainly for those who can always score in the 50s? :)

    They could also have tourneys strictly for players that use Starter balls and also base those tourneys on the Same Strength of Driver and Average and Level? FYI, I did suggest these things to WGT as well but no response yet. Anyway, I’m merely suggesting some alternatives which some or perhaps many members might agree with? It makes no difference to me if they keep things the same too because we all have the choice to play the tournaments, challenges and sweeps or not. I’ve simply grown weary of an ‘unfair playing field’ and for the life of me; don’t understand why it continues? But it’s still a Great Game with plenty of variety and that will suffice. Thank you again WGT and Happy New Year To All! :)


    It's not unfair that you have Legend quality equipment(R11 irons) and are at a Legend quality level(L91) while playing only CTTH as a TM. No ranked stroke play rounds in over a month but a 61.28 average. It's all fair isn't it?


    Sorry but you missed the point of the topic entirely too. :)


  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 12:49 PM



     If it was a SWEEPS, it makes no difference if you are in 1st place or 10,000th place. Both players have exaclty the same odds of winning a prize because it's a random drawing

     You grind for a low score. WHEN & IF I play a sweeps, I only play it once... and then I usually grab a starter ball and my putter,  dink my 9 shots maybe a total of 2 feet, then wait to see of they draw my name.

     As far as the score based CTTH,s ... I don't think tiers/averages/clubs make any difference whatoever. After all, it's the exact same 9 shots for everyone .... every single time.  Better clubs & balls might help, but anyone that KNOWS what their clubs/balls will do has the exact same chance to shoot low.

    Sorry but you missed the point of the topic entirely too however I appreciate the responses from all 3 of "you". :)


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 1:32 PM

    Sorry but you missed the point of the topic entirely too however I appreciate the responses from all 3 of "you". :)
    You became Legend. You're unhappy with that. This I understood clearly.

    Alas, what's your further point which the others seemlingly missed?

    (being but a poor foreign boy...)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 1:34 PM

    Alas, what's your further point which the others seemlingly missed?

    EnglishRosey's over 64 tournament is an example of what he's talking about.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 1:35 PM

    Alas, what's your further point which the others seemlingly missed?

    EnglishRosey's over 64 tournament is an example of what he's talking about.