Maybe since everyone who commented missed your point, you didn't do a great job of explaining your point or people think you made no point.
If you are so intent on being beaten by a better player, only play tournaments that are tier specific, you have that option. I know from my experience with you that you almost always boot better players from your games, not the credit games but all of them. It's your choice to do so but in the world that you think of, it seems that everyone has to be exactly the same, tier, level, clubs, balls, etc.
That can never happen and even if it did there would still be players better than others. For example my average is low 60's. I'm a horrible putter so I'm better at blitz that many players who are 3 to 5 strokes better than me in stroke play. Those same players beat me at stroke play. There can't be an even playing field unless everyone has the same equipment, tees and talent.
In terms of the weekly tournaments that are random. I rarely play in those but if I do I don't really care about the score, the winner is picked by random drawing. Post a score and leave you have an equal chance of winning.