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Giving credits as a gift

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 24 2017 10:40 AM (29 replies)
    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 6:22 PM


    why not just accidently lose a challenge to him thats is played for credits, then he gets your credits xx  (and I worked that out all on my own - but I'm not blonde!)


    And do it through blitzes, they cost the least.

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 6:24 PM


    can easily tell he is a multi accounted.

    Hmm dunno about that

    Trailhead purchased the World Golf Tour Tour Starter Zebra Iron Set (Steel) (L9+) in the Pro Shop.

    Someone who has gone through the ranks would know these arent worth buying :)


    A huge +1 to Shrude. Who ever thinks this person is a multi, doesn't know his head from his...

  • Bailey2115
    226 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 4:12 PM

    United States PRINCESSROSE

    check her out hasn't played since November

    and her only friend is mister Trailhead.

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 7:15 PM

    First of all, you should edit out the names before you get moderated. Secondly, the fact that there's XX reached level 5 is IN BETWEEN the XX joined WGT and XX and YY are friends means it wasn't a sign up through invite. What you're implying is such a weak piece of "evidence", it would be thrown out of any court. All other activities point out to an honest player and someone who simply got bored after a very short time, that's it. Study what multi's do and then come back, please.

  • BroncoRod
    411 Posts
    Tue, Mar 21 2017 9:38 PM

    No, because WGT is greedy!!!! They take your money, don't improve customer experience, and keep changing game with updates, so you keep spending more.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Mar 21 2017 10:27 PM


    No, because WGT is greedy!!!! They take your money, don't improve customer experience, and keep changing game with updates, so you keep spending more.

    You are going to beat that horse to death aren't you?  Try and imitate Elvis.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2017 6:37 AM



    No, because WGT is greedy!!!! They take your money, don't improve customer experience, and keep changing game with updates, so you keep spending more.

    You are going to beat that horse to death aren't you?  Try and imitate Elvis.

    +1 Not only that but whats with the running through the forum and pulling up all of these old threads . Saturday you were here in the forum crying about quitting and spilling your guts over the game . You said you were quitting or as you put it adios . So please do us a favor and leave already . Dont go away mad just go away . Adios muchacho vya con dios


  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2017 4:56 PM

    Yo BoncoRod,

    1) So you can't gift credits but you can gift clubs, balls, etc. to players that are bought with credits.  SO what's the big deal?

    2) If you were in a RL Country Club I think we've had read about you on the front pages of a newspaper or on some news channel...

    Man Goes Postal at CC...

    Drives Golf Cart Into Innocent Practice Green Putters...

    Finally Overcome By Various Irons...

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2017 5:01 PM

    If I remember correctly, it costs 50 credits to start a CC. You and giftee join. Put up a tourney with a purse. Giftee wins it all. No WGT cut.

  • BroncoRod
    411 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2017 5:33 PM

    HEY!!! A smart ass with brains!!! I am playing down my credits, to prep for the exit!!!!

    Good idea of gifting my clubs, since the Natzi's won't give back credits.

    I will gift them to a friend.
