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bring back the good vibes

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 13 2013 1:35 PM (21 replies)
  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 4:48 PM

    having read recent posts and theads on wgt i can only notice the bad vibes going on of late.

    yes i do agree that the recent changes are ridiculous but.....

    wgt is a very good game very good indeed and we all know it

    lets bring back some good positive vibes back to the forums and back into the game.

    lets not forget the hard work that goes into this site and the great people behind it.

    i do beleive that the people behind this game are aware of what we are all saying and im quite confident they will putt it right :)

    come on lads and girls we are only having the emotional rants because we care so much lets get together and support wgt instead of having a go :)


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 4:58 PM

    come on lads and girls we are only having the emotional rants because we care so much

    If so, I had no idea how much the community really cares!

    Good thread, mmikkeelee

    All the fuss is over prices of new items, which are placed in their own, separate category called the "Elite" section. People think the items in the "Elite" section are too expensive. That's it. The game hasn't changed, you will still be able to derive as much fun as you did a week ago.

    It should also be mentioned that nothing is set in stone. Time and time again WGT has released something and made changes shortly after. That's the nature of the business.


    Stay classy,


  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 5:02 PM

    yes i am aware of that pizza the game hasnt changed at all for me in that respect.

    just all the negative vibes of late just want to lighten the mood a little 

    always classy    ..... well i try ;)

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 5:03 PM


    yes i am aware of that pizza the game hasnt changed at all for me in that respect.

    just all the negative vibes of late just want to lighten the mood a little 

    Oh sorry, that wasn't directed at you. Just explaining the state of things - we are on a public forum, after all  :p


    Stay classy,


  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 5:06 PM

    lol i know mate still classy ;))

  • RonCarr
    243 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 5:58 PM


    having read recent posts and theads on wgt i can only notice the bad vibes going on of late.

    yes i do agree that the recent changes are ridiculous but.....

    wgt is a very good game very good indeed and we all know it

    lets bring back some good positive vibes back to the forums and back into the game.

    lets not forget the hard work that goes into this site and the great people behind it.

    i do beleive that the people behind this game are aware of what we are all saying and im quite confident they will putt it right :)

    come on lads and girls we are only having the emotional rants because we care so much lets get together and support wgt instead of having a go :)


    Very well stated mmikeelee,I am waiting for the official reply from now tell then..Seems the nit picking is more like a virtual head hunt..And probably when its all said and done,this will still be the best golf game online,and those  complaining  will be  apologizing...           Ron

  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 6:43 PM

    All the fuss is over prices of new items, which are placed in their own, separate category called the "Elite" section. People think the items in the "Elite" section are too expensive. That's it. The game hasn't changed, you will still be able to derive as much fun as you did a week ago.


    Wow.  Just wow.  If that is all that you think the bad vibes are coming from, then you need to put on your glasses and READ the other posts on this forum.

    A virtual golf bag that costs too much is not the reason.  Try these for reasons that players are not happy:

    game crashes after player disconnects and then continues to crash until game is canceled.

    someone elses golf bag blocking your view

    Meter (i know mostly on our end for that one.)

    games that start well, finish poorly, on a consistant basis.  Has happened to me but the posts are from Legends that have had problems since last update.  See the forum posts for specifics.

    Players want more courses, not golf bags and max balls.

    Players want Mr. WGT to comprehend what the customer want.

    There are other issues as well, but these seem to be the most complained about. I dont find much on an overpriced customizable golf bag.

    I'm sorry Pizza but I thought you should know.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 6:47 PM

    I'm sorry Pizza but I thought you should know.

    Explaining what I think the latest "fuss" is about, is not saying "WGT is without problems".

    I thought you should know that.


    Stay classy,


  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 6:52 PM


    I'm sorry Pizza but I thought you should know.

    Explaining what I think the latest "fuss" is about, is not saying "WGT is without problems".

    I thought you should know that.


    Stay classy,


    DId you hear the whooosh as it went over your head?

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jan 13 2013 3:29 AM

    People think the items in the "Elite" section are too expensive. That's it.

    Thats not 'it' entirely.

    If the community hadnt been asking for customisable avatars since adam was a boy, there would probably be less of an issue.

    Providing something that the community has been screaming for and then pricing them out of reach for 99% of the community is where the slap in the face to us is.

    It should also be mentioned that nothing is set in stone. Time and time again WGT has released something and made changes shortly after.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed and my eyes too.