Taken me 2 1/2 months and I'm still not good. I average about par. That's not good. So I shoot a couple of rounds a couple under. That's a fluke and you know it. You would crush me one-on-one.
Funny, you purchased L15 Burners (IMO, just about the best irons before L59 Pings) on November 27th and yet were still shooting max shot rounds until December 14th, when you suddenly scored a 67 in an RG (what surprise). And you NEVER again scored par or worse in a ranked round (all single play) since than. Now that's what I call consistancy, lol.
Now stop digging yourself an even bigger hole with these laughable explanations and go scam some more people in an open RG, I'm sure you'll turn pro with your next round, so you can start playing the tiered ones, much better pickings there, lol.
And when you're replying to people, try quoting them directly so we know who are you replying to. For instance, I don't really know who you were calling a liberal, cause you didn't use a quote. If it was me , I'm proud to consider myself as one of them.
P.S.: Maybe it would be a good idea, if you tried googling what the term liberal actually means.