21as21111:thnx for very good reply. but that mean - there is no light for me. i dont want to be 'master' . i love my TourPro skin and dont want to spent money for credits (different view of game playing - this is not story about money). so, only solution for me is: not play tourney stroke with good score result, dont defeat 'master's and upper tier players, dont have any good stroke score and everything else. so, no future for me. thats not fair - if wgt care only for players just for money. where is sport spirit and friendship between people here? if that formula for AV points is just like that you said, that mean wgt always pushing me to harder playing conditions and pushing me to Shop waiting for my money, with no other solution and giving me just few little peaces of wgt game cake. now, my destiny here is to be hungry every day. very very disappointed.
That is it, 21, sport spirit and friendship end at business' doors.
Like in all "free" games, they want but your best - for themselves ($$). You are at a most crucial point: The step from TP to Master adds so much length to the game that an upgrade of equipment is almost mandatory. OTOH it's not too difficult to arrive at the gates.
Lucky enough you have a decent driver already.
Thus, you either decide to buy a 3WD, an iron set and - if possible - one additional wedge, or you act like you said:
Don't play matches against higher tiers, don't play where you might win credits.
Don't play any(!) score below 35 / 70 in ranked strokeplay, because keeping the average up is not about playing high scores but to avoid low scores!
But, before you leave with a broken heart because of your "destiny", think how you might earn a few real kroner which you could invest in your favourite game(?)