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lateral wind

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Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:43 AM (6 replies)
  • mainsailblanco
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:05 AM

    morning e'one,

    just curious to learn how do you cope with the lateral wind: do you compensate by using lateral spin or moving the trajectory upwind?

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 1:27 PM

    I move the aim point. Lateral spin is a fairly unreliable second effect of mishitting the ball.

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 3:21 PM

    do you compensate by using lateral spin

    You can curve a ball around a corner, aiming into the wind and then missing the ding in the opposite direction.

    Mostly though I tend to just move my marker.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 2:54 AM

    Missing ding means shorter shots as well...


  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 7:45 AM


    Missing ding means shorter shots as well...



    I doubt this sometimes, I would add, missing ding means shorter shots if you need the yds. When you actually need a shorter shot sometimes this rule turns to crap and WGT gives ya full distance, as if nothing you do can please them.. also, missing the ding should mean the shot should go in the direction of the miss, but I sometimes aim closer to the hole with a left wind and pull it a bit only to see that it actually goes left of where I aimed.. not always, but happens often..


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 8:35 AM

    ok, agreed that you always have exceptions, but in general missing ding means loss of distance....


  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:43 AM


    I move the aim point. Lateral spin is a fairly unreliable second effect of mishitting the ball.

    Can we agree to disagree, Bubba? Yes, the intentional 'off-ding' hit adds its own set of variables ... but those variables  aren't significantly larger those embedded in in the game code itself. 

    I do use the off-ding method quite effectively - if I have the room in the landing zone for over/under-doing it, lol.

    Rule of thumb: a hit on either boundary of the light-blue meter area (centered on DING) is good for neutralizing a 20mph cross-wind. Half-way to the boundary snuffs a 10mph wind.the penalty is a loss of yardage of ~5%. Excessive spin applied will impact result.

    Caution! Hits outside the light-blue 'pull-DING-push region - i.e., in the dark blue regions get you into draw-hook country (early) or fade-slice region (late)

    Why use off-ding method? Straighter ball flight and subsequent roll - down the fairway, rather than across the fairway.

    When is it appropriate? When you need 'straight' more than you need pure distance. Situation: shot into a dog-leg right. Strong L->R wind; move aim to left edge of fairway and bombs-away with a ding and ride the wind. Now: same wind, but facing a dog-leg left! aim to center of fairway or a bit left of that, and hit early (into the wind) using rule of thumb above.

    In actual practice, I'll usually combine shifting the aiming point and concentrate being a bit 'into the wind' with my hit. But the degree of each type of wind compensation used depends on the shot you're facing at the moment.