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Accused of sandbagging

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 24 2013 12:16 PM (23 replies)
  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 1:57 PM

    Can anyone help?

    I'm a tour master, i was 62.84, i play regularly with guys on here in stroke play and A/S, and have been slugging it out slowly to get to legend, heard when i was master to beat upper tier players would lower my average. Finally got a game tonight with a legend, front 9 at St Andy's, nip and tuck to the 9th, where the sandbagging accusations started as i beat him on the last to lower my average to the now 61.72

    Can someone have a look at my stats, tell me what you think, i've got good clubs and balls and near to level 90, dont think the accusations are fair, but i'm open for a fair and honest assessment. 

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 2:25 PM

    no signs of sand bagging mate 

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 2:32 PM

    Sounds like the person you beat is just a poor sport about losing. Lots of those on here. Keep you head up and do your thing! 


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 2:34 PM

    i didn't do in depth analysis, but heres my thoughts:

    First of all who really cares if this guy thought you were sandbagging at the end of the day only you will really know that and have to live with it, but i agree i don't see it either.

    Just the simple fact that you were playing a match play game against a higher level knowing full well it would drop your average if you won sort of points to the exact opposite.  I think a sandbagger would be playing same or lower levels and losing on purpose so as not to lower score and not tier up, especially considering a tier up for you brings new tees.

    Seems you've been around for a fair amount of time and certainly have equipment and scores that seem commensurate with your level and tier

    sounds like he was just pissed he lost

  • tiggerclark
    1,122 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 2:50 PM

    Your stats and everything look good with no evidence of sandbagging to myself.

    As a CC owner, I had somebody post on my wall about 1 of our members sandbagging (they are not!) and also write in the main forums accusing.

    You won and be happy, to the minority of players here who accuse, if you lose accept it gracefully and in the spirit of the game, please do not accuse players unless you have evidence (send to WGT), it makes their time here unpleasant and is not needed.


  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 2:53 PM

    I wouldn't worry mate. The guy's obviously a complete ar$e. Anyone who thinks a sandbagger is someone sat there with the grand total of $6 career earnings at Tour Master, is a total spanner !

    Give me a shout for a game anytime Pal. I'd be glad to oblige.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 6:38 PM

    There is way too many people on this game that think being rude is the life. So they say stupid things to others and thrive off of the attention they get back.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:00 PM

    Congrats on making Legend.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 10:46 PM

    Beating a legend is not really wise for someone sandbagging, so the comment of your opponent proves some things. He/she is:

    - not too smart

    - childish

    - bad looser

    Don't be worried about what them kind of people think. They are not worth the worries.



    270 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:21 PM

    good job on making legend. now go do the same to some tour legends.  :)

