YankeeJim: By your own admission, you just started playing after finding this game. Now you know how hard golf is supposed to be and how unrealistic some of those scores you shoot actually are. . :-)
I know playing "real" golf is hard (otherwise we would all be out playing golf for real $$ and not here), yet in real life the lies dont effect ball no where near as much as they do on wgt. You dont see Rory MacIlroy aiming 30 yards left to compensate a virtualy flat lie on St Andrews.
Even with the uneven lies, its not going to bring much more realism to the scoring (yes we might have to pause a bit longer to think about shot, and a few extra duffers thrown in too) but how many players who play WGT could go to St Andrews and score 6 under par??
Yes wgt are "trying" to make game more of a simulation, but it will never be too realistic for me, not untill I CANT break par at St Andrews or see my ball struck with 4 iron fly for 50 yards at 3 feet off the ground..now that would be realistic, just like playing for real..lol Uneven lies "might" give it a touch more realism for some, but for me, seeing a drive go 300 yards will never give me realism. but one thing that could bring a bit of exitement back would be to introduce drivers for all tour legends to use which the meter speed is nearly far right, these would cause a lot more skewed drives giving much more realism, and uneven lies on top of this would give you one tough round where par would be good
And Icon, why not introduce them as an option in challenge matches too???