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Fri, Feb 1 2013 7:56 AM (54 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 5:41 AM

    A reason many might like uneven lies is the fact it takes away in an instant the "elite" players skill and precision which usually gives them top slots in ready go's replacing the skill with "lottery" shots where its all luck not skill giving average joe who gets lucky a win.  Last time I played uneven lies i had to aim off the screen right to combat a slight lie and still missed the green.  If people used to complain an moan about deviation before, uneven lies is just a bigger way for your shots to be bummed. But they will soon be conquered just like any new piece of equipment

    First shot on the slightest right to lieft lie (hardly moving dots) 14 mph left to right wind, i thought "what the hell" and aimed 5 yards RIGHT expecting wind to carry me even more right, yet the minimal uneven lie took the ball and plopped it 10 yards LEFT!  These lies are comical and too severe STILL, and make wind POINTLESS. Just another WGT release (like bags) which are not quite ready.

    Could have scored a 29 but for a 77 yard approach on #18. slightest left to right lie, nothing special, i hit 80 wedge full power and i get 51 yards. WHAT A JOKE, i was getting decent shots landing normally with even greater lies, heck I even got out of bunker on #12 with RED lie and landed within 5 yards.  Its just a way for wgt to bum even more shots out of the blue to "limit" scoring. 

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 5:47 AM

    Not for me, -3 on the 13th tee and happened to hit my approach in the green-side bunker. I had a 20ft double bogey putt three hacks later :D.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:06 AM

    A reason many might like uneven lies is the fact it takes away in an instant the "elite" players skill and precision which usually gives them top slots in ready go's replacing the skill with "lottery" shots where its all luck not skill giving average joe who gets lucky a win.

    Oh, you mean you actually have to know how to play golf to be one of those average joes? FWIW, Chris, this is how golf is supposed to be.  This is  where skill shows up, you can't just point and click. It might be out of your comfort zone but it's real. Granted, the compensating is a little funky but it's not impossible if you know golf.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:11 AM

    Oh, you mean you actually have to know how to play golf to be one of those average joes? FWIW, Chris, this is how golf is supposed to be.  This is  where skill shows up, you can't just point and click. It might be out of your comfort zone but it's real. Granted, the compensating is a little funky but it's not impossible if you know golf.

    My golf is CRAP, i havn't a clue how to fade, draw, spin or whatever, all I can do is hit and hope as my swing is useless anyway and I'm just glad the ball goes in the air and a few yards further than where I am.  (dont get me started on using a driver) uneven lies can be conquared after a bit of practice, heck i nearly got a 29 on my first ever go on uneven lies for months (and only played it once or twice previously)  How can it be outside my comfort zone when i score a 30 on first ever go????  Its only going to get lower scores from now on.  Give it a few weeks and i will be landing uneven lies like dart too, and thats from some one who is as competent as5hite playing golf.  Its just like any "game" all it is is practice, you cant really compare real golf to this.  I know jack 5hit about golf yet i see these U.Lies as not much of a problem  (just even more excuse to deviate certain shots, thats all)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:16 AM

    By your own admission, you just started playing after finding this game. Now you know how hard golf is supposed to be and how unrealistic some of those scores you shoot actually are. .  :-)

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:23 AM

    By your own admission, you just started playing after finding this game. Now you know how hard golf is supposed to be and how unrealistic some of those scores you shoot actually are. .  :-)

    I know playing "real" golf is hard (otherwise we would all be out playing golf for real $$ and not here), yet in real life the lies dont effect ball no where near as much as they do on wgt.  You dont see Rory MacIlroy aiming 30 yards left to compensate a virtualy flat lie on St Andrews.

     Even with the uneven lies, its not going to bring much more realism to the scoring (yes we might have to pause a bit longer to think about shot, and a few extra duffers thrown in too) but how many players who play WGT could go to St Andrews and score 6 under par??

    Yes wgt are "trying" to make game more of a simulation, but it will never be too realistic for me, not untill I CANT break par at St Andrews or see my ball struck with 4 iron fly for 50 yards at 3 feet off the that would be realistic, just like playing for  Uneven lies "might" give it a touch more realism for some, but for me, seeing a drive go 300 yards will never give me realism.  but one thing that could bring a bit of exitement back would be to introduce drivers for all tour legends to use which the meter speed is nearly far right, these would cause a lot more skewed drives giving much more realism, and uneven lies on top of this would give you one tough round where par would be good

    And Icon, why not introduce them as an option in challenge matches too???

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:34 AM

    I have to say I would have more incentive to practice uneven lies if WGT had a "can't lose ball" amnesty in uneven lie practice mode!

    The times I've done it I've lost Nikes and doing it with starter balls means you're missing the ding the whole time anyway so hard to learn much.

    That said respect to all the guys shooting 5 or 6 under in these conditions. I reckon this the way the game has to go to get scoring back to realistic levels but I'm taking too much pain for missing fairways and greens still.

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:46 AM

    see my ball struck with 4 iron fly for 50 yards at 3 feet off the that would be realistic


    Lol, I got that effect every time I got metered (on my home laptop).

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 7:00 AM

    Not often I agree with CIB but on this topic I do, excluding the deviation part. Anyone who thinks that uneven lies will see a new list of player names winning ready goes, weekly and monthly plays or even US or British Open is deluded. The elite players are elite for good reason. They play more, they take notes and above all can putt. It won't be long for the dust to settle and the top of the leaderboard will look exactly as it has done for the last 2/3 years.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 7:08 AM


    Not often I agree with CIB but on this topic I do, excluding the deviation part. Anyone who thinks that uneven lies will see a new list of player names winning ready goes, weekly and monthly plays or even US or British Open is deluded. The elite players are elite for good reason. They play more, they take notes and above all can putt. It won't be long for the dust to settle and the top of the leaderboard will look exactly as it has done for the last 2/3 years.

    Yes, maybe its now got my balls landing at 4 to 5 yards rather than 2, but the "better" players can usually sink 12 to 15 footers as competent as "normal" players putt 4 to 7 footers, so deffo no change at the top