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Fri, Feb 1 2013 7:56 AM (54 replies)
  • Kriztjan
    1,437 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 3:32 PM

    blah blah blah

    a wedge from 75yds with a tiny little movement in slope should NOT differ about 35 yards sideways no matter what. period. and def not another 12yds in distance


    Ive played golf since for 20+ years with scratch handicap, ballmovement is totaly nuts, ill def take a couple o  yards on a shot like that but in a million years as much as game wants, so having an idea of how the ball will come out is just not anywhere reallife, and that´s the point of UEL, more realistic, it has alot of work still in it.



  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 3:33 PM


    Frankly with a decent amount of practice and a positive attitude, any of the elite players should be able to score very well with UL's just as they do now.

    I agree Cerino however that really isn't my issue with it. I want it to be as close a reflection of the real game as is possible and in doing so making the game more thought provoking and challenging than it is now. I have said for a long time that this is what the game needs to retain the interest of those players who have been playing WGT for 2/3 years solid.

    My own experience in the 2 RGs I have played is that with each tweak WGT make, they are getting unevens closer to that goal. There are still certain shots that result in a ridiculous outcome but I am sure in time they will be perfected. To accept the concept as it is just now is in my opinion wrong. I will be continuing to urge WGT through these forums to continue working at it :^)


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 5:21 PM

    and the game's becoming fun again.

    The moral of the exercise.  :-)

  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:22 PM

    Not sure I understand what the UNEVEN LIES are? Is there somewhere to read up on it? 



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:26 PM


    Not sure I understand what the UNEVEN LIES are? Is there somewhere to read up on it? 



    Well, in a nutshell many/most of your approach shots to the green will be on some type of "slope"...that causes the ball to go left/right, higher, lower, etc...


    You can set up a practice round to see the effects...when setting up a practice round, toggle "Even" to "Uneven" when setting conditions.


    Suggest you uses starter balls at first so as not to lose any paid for balls.

  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 6:38 PM

    its a great idea but until stance change and club positioning comes into it its useless

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 9:29 PM

    Any chance of getting a second ULRG?  This one filled 4 times today, so it looks like the demand is there.  Even if it fills 24 times, I can only play one a day thanks to work and the lousy 12-hour rule.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 2:13 AM

    What I would like to see is somebody record a Uneven Lie game with lets say the 60 second timer or even less and see what the scores would be. It takes some time to figure out your shots just to get close to some greens.

  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 3:24 AM

    I want it to be as close a reflection of the real game as is possible and in doing so making the game more thought provoking and challenging than it is now.

    To properly achieve this WGT has to have a rethink about the spin on the clubs and balls.

    The uneven lies are still way off but at least it adds another dimension to the way you have to think about your shot, but when you can spin a 3w back a yard to the hole from 230yd, off the tee, to an elevated green, like this shot of the year august  , then the game is not realistic at all.

    Anything above a 7iron will not spin back, especially not a bloody 3wood off the tee!

    I like the uneven lies, until you miss the green and leave a short sloping lie pitch, that's when it really is a joke. But at least it makes you think about how you're going to approach the green from 200yd to give you a possible birdie putt and at least make par......Instead of putting another pixel of spin on the ball to make sure you stick it to 3yd.....That's where the real joke is.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 5:19 AM


    blah blah blah

    a wedge from 75yds with a tiny little movement in slope should NOT differ about 35 yards sideways no matter what. period. and def not another 12yds in distance


    Ive played golf since for 20+ years with scratch handicap, ballmovement is totaly nuts, ill def take a couple o  yards on a shot like that but in a million years as much as game wants, so having an idea of how the ball will come out is just not anywhere reallife, and that´s the point of UEL, more realistic, it has alot of work still in it.



    Yes, I'm with Kriztjan with this one, as was mentioned earlier, i had same thing on #18 which cost me a 29, the most minimal lies and my 80 yard wedge goes 50ish yards.  NO WAY is that realistic, especially when a few holes previous a 150 yard iron hit with 3 times more severe lie landed within 4 yards.  As a lot also think, IT NEEDS HALVING IN SEVERITY & then halved again.

    WGT doesn't even have to bother with wind any more because whatever the wind speed, it has absolutely no effect on the shot, all that seems to effect shot is the slightest lie, and this overpowers everything else.  Pro's dont have to aim off the course left or right to combat MINIMAL lies so how can you call these U.Lies realistic?  yes, you have to think about shots a bit more (which will come 2nd nature soon anyway) but as for the out come its more TruGolf than WGT

    I've found that punching the wedge with a lot of power is helpful to get you out of those "Red lie" bunkers  and onto the green.


    Yes, i had 25 yards to pin with red lie and also foward, i hit 68 yards punch shot full power and i only just made it over the lip and ball skipped low all the way to green ( a kind of shot that happens to me off the fairway in real life) managed to sink the 6 yarder too.

    Seriously guys, nearly 50% withdraws? Come on, even a -2 is a solid round here, it's golf again. Don't think about your average please....

    Yes people got 50c with 37, broke even with 35 and even doubled $$ with 33's.  I even came 2nd and won $4 with a 30 (tied with leader).  Thats the thing, average players will enjoy playing them as you might win $$ with average scores. :)

    But saying all of this, i doubt if WGT care about the severity of uneven lies because i think this is what they want, people winning ready go's with 30 and not 27