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Trying to progress in the game!

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 23 2013 4:34 AM (0 replies)
  • lepenn777
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 4:34 AM

    Ive been playing now on and off for a few months and have got a handle on the game quite well, but I quickly realised that to progress I would need better equipment.

    Equipment comes at a cost a certain investment into the game, namely a few dollars which seems fair enough, or you can earn credits. . .the long winded answering of personal questions in surveys that only kicks you out after answering them, giving thanks  for your initial sub survey answers but commenting "you are not eligible for any of our surveys at present". If I wasn't eligible thats fine but why not give me the survey criteria so I know not to waste my time in the first place. ohh but that would be too easy and of course, if the companies told me the criteria they wouldn't get my  personal details such as mobile phone and email. . . .

    Surveys are just one of many ways you can earn credits though to be fair, other ways include the purchase or financial support of a company, I.E you buy something from us that you might require anyway and we will give you reward credits for your purchase through the site. 

    Guess what?? I recently purchased a product from go daddy, a new web address/domain for my business and all on the promise of 1700 credits or so instantly, I thought this would be a fantastic way of bolstering my position as a decent pro on the wgt tour, I could now go purchase some decent clubs and take on the masses who have invested in such delights. . . 

    INSTANT my ass!   

    I am now over 4 later of my purchase of my new domain name, I spent the amount required for my credits and never enter any separate discount code. I have even contacted the company responsible for the dispatch of credits, who said they needed my receipt from go daddy and my email conformation etc, which I sent obligingly. They said they will be in contact as soon as they had contact with their advertising partner but are dealing with a high volume of enquiries. . . 

    I can now see why they are dealing with a high volume of enquiries as today after contact from me again, they stated that they thanked me for my patience and they are currently verifying my receipt with. . . . . NETFLIX???

    Now I don't profess to be intelligent but please, even I know that NETFLIX are not going to approve a receipt of purchase from GO DADDY.

    So I guess my overdue point to all of you looking to progress in the game is - Think very carefully how you spend your time searching for free credits, truth is, the only credits that seem to be relatively simple to redeem are those from watching videos. . . but this can be slow and laborious.

    Perhaps one day the Trailplay customer service team will deal with suitably deal with my case and I will be implemented the not so instant credits they promised. . . until then I will continue my wgt journey with the old bats that I started with.

    Good luck to all my fellow wgt members, I hope your quest for better equipment is much easier than mine!