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meter problems

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 24 2013 3:41 PM (2 replies)
  • jasneil
    4 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:18 PM

    as i try to swing the meter stops before i release the mouse button. it stops where ever it feels like it. then it goes to take the swing . any suggestions would be welcomed as it is impossible to play under these conditions.  thanks

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:31 PM

    If you mean your shot happens without you releasing the mouse button then there a 2 things that it could be. If you are using a wireless mouse your batteries may be getting weak and need to be replaced or your receiver needs to be realigned. If it is a wired mouse then your contacts inside the mouse are becoming worn and you need a new mouse. Those are the only 2 things that could cause your shot to happen while you are still holding down the button. 

    If that is not what you mean then I have no clue.

  • jasneil
    4 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 3:41 PM

    thanks for the reply i will try another mouse a see if it helps