I would like to cut down the disconnect wait from 5 minutes down to 3 minutes, that is more than enough time to reboot and come back online.
What time does the clock start? Just saying, when I get the dreaded revolving circle, waiting for the screen to load and eventually give up and close ....
When I get back, in a min or two... the clock is at 0.20 secs. Just getting back in time to restart the game. I've timed from the moment I closed the game page to returning.... only a min or 2 mins at the most, but game time has been saying 4+ mins.....lol
I agree the Max Balls should be another color, they look like a shadow floating on the greens sometimes. I use em meself, not bad.... same specs as the Call's apart from the slower meter speed. ( I really want to say why I'm having a laugh too, but I can't...lol.... Not at the OP, all valued suggestions)
90sec clock is good.... 30sec clock is too short.... 60sec is playable.
We might need 120sec clock if the U/Lies come in....lol
Good Post