quoted a few points golfvader - my replies indented and italicized
{a} Could an avatar be designed that reflects male/female golfers that
are "older" than the present ones. We are NOT all 25-30. We "older"
players usually wear hats and sunglasses for protection.
Awesome idea! And I think rolling out several free versions, much like the 'stock' avatars we can use from either gender, are a fantastic way to go. Of course offering fancier version of some more seasoned avatars in the proshop makes sense too, but please, there should be some free ones to chose from as well.
{c} Regardless of the multi-player game you are playing, 90 sec. is
much toooo long for a player to wait to shoot. If given the 90 sec, I
have found that the huge majority of the time the player will take
almost ALL the 90 sec. If you cannot pull a club, line up your shot,
and shoot in 30-45 sec, you indeed have a problem. I do not think that
anyone who plays multi-player games will object to a faster moving game.
Agree, 90 seconds is way too long. 45 should do the trick, barring some wgt slow camera loads and what not. 60 is probably fine. But, as some will say.....just don't play 90 second games.....well that's dandy, but not conducive to finding a game as many don't even adjust the clock time when creating a game. After your tee shot, check your yardage, plan you club and distance with wind and what not and have a pretty good idea what you're going to do next, most times well before your opponents have even hit their shot.
{d} On the green, it is great in match play that you can "concede" a
putt to your opponent. It moves the game along. But there should also
be "continuous" putting. Why should a player who is left with a 2 inch
putt have to wait for as many as 3 other players to putt before
"tapping-in". This will also move the game along.
Can agree with letting a player inches away tap in before waiting. Probably only if all balls are on the green already! Good time to refill the water jug while others are putting out.
{e} The new "design your own avatar" is priced so that nobody can avail
themselves to it. It is my opinion that ALL items in the pro shop
should be priced to sell.
{f} I have no problem with the equipment prices, except for golf balls.
Up to 650 credits for 3 golf balls is outrageous. I have no problem
using the WGT brand of equipment. I use the Max Control putter, and
love it. The WGT brand ball should be available and comparable to the
better and higher priced "name brand" balls. You did it with irons,
wedges and I am sorry to say with Max balls. THEY ARE BLACK!!!! WHO
WANTS BLACK CLUBS AND BALLS? With the exception of the Max putter, the
rest are downright ugly. Make them more eye-appealing and I can almost
guarantee you'll sell more. Balls are what we ALL MUST BUY!!!! With the
price structure we have now, why do you have to "grab us by the balls"
with ridiculously high prices?
Agree - black balls are the worst - can't see em in flight w/o tracer most times, and they are like some graphic nightmare on the putting surface.
Prices too high, worth repeating :)
Nice post - I do think however that wgt's reply was asking you to cut your wrists and bleed in the shark tank of the wgt forums knowing full well you'll get eaten alive and wgt intentionally withholding any sort of reply to any of your questions.
why does wgt not just reply honestly and say.......sorry.........we're not gunna do any of that, feel free to lob this up to the community for fun and laughs.