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WGT Suggested The Following Be Posted

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Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:41 AM (14 replies)
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  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 12:03 AM


    Agree, 90 seconds is way too long.  45 should do the trick, barring some wgt slow camera loads and what not.  60 is probably fine.  But, as some will say.....just don't play 90 second games.....well that's dandy, but not conducive to finding a game as many don't even adjust the clock time when creating a game.

    Or maybe we need more time on some shots and don't want to play 60s and lower.

    obviously :)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 1:56 AM


    I would like to cut down the disconnect wait from 5 minutes down to 3 minutes, that is more than enough time to reboot and come back online.

     What time does the clock start?    Just saying, when I get the dreaded revolving circle, waiting for the screen to load and eventually give up and close ....

    When I get back, in a min or two...  the clock is at 0.20 secs.   Just getting back in time to restart the game. I've timed from the moment I closed the game page to returning.... only a min or 2 mins at the most, but game time has been saying 4+

    I agree the Max Balls should be another color, they look like a shadow floating on the greens sometimes.   I use em meself, not bad....  same specs as the Call's apart from the slower meter speed. ( I really want to say why I'm having a laugh too, but I can'   Not at the OP, all valued suggestions)

    90sec clock is good....  30sec clock is too short....  60sec is playable.  

    We might need 120sec clock if the U/Lies come

    Good Post


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 5:18 AM

    ^^^^ .. agree

    i don't like to be rushed through my shots .. especially when loading sometimes become an issue .. like to chat & shoot the shyte with my fellow players ..

    i usually don't take much longer than 45-50 sec to play my shot, but some require a bit more time .. i don't mind if players sometime use their full 90sec as long as it doesn't happen all of the time .. 

    if u wanna play a fast game, set it up as such and wait for like minded players to join .. but if u're the one random player in our group who starts complaining about how long another player is takin', expect to get a "shut up" form the rest of our group .. 

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 6:46 AM

    i prefare the 90 secs as sometimes a player may be left with a tough shot...

    in my experience here on wgt multi players when its 30 secs i find we spend more time as alot of players run out of time then have to set up there shot again.

    60 secs is about right :)

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:41 AM

    I disagree, 5 minutes is just fine, sometimes things don't load as fast as they should, If you get back early, then the your comment is mute. The game will restart. So what is the problem

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