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Buggyyy gone?

Sun, Jan 27 2013 3:24 PM (82 replies)
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:16 PM

    BUT GREED .. has so obviously set in.. 

    sticks out like canines testicles doesnt it  :)

    till something better comes along

    Or we are left orphaned to a defunct past time.

    Bugggy has set a precedence.

    This activity will continue. WGT cant stop it.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:34 PM

    I seriously doubt that Buggyy was the first that attempted this.

    He was the first that I saw blatently advertising to sell his credits.  However I believe that he seriously did not realize that he was violating the rules, if so he didn't do much to try to hide it.

    People can easily lose games to transfer creidts and I'm sure that goes on all the time.  In his case he was just trying to use something he felt had no value to make a little money that I think he needed.  WGT should come forward and comment on this and declare their position to the community.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:42 PM


    WGT will never eliminate this, but it is their new focus to be rid of the 'champions' as we know it and try to condition a whole new wave of people into a 'new' WGT  which will then take  1 - 2 years to have the SAME backhanded actions from WGT to this new wave.

    Shrude this is a bit of a silly comment I think, sorry.

    Bugyyyy and a few others broke the Rules that Wgt set.  Like it or not, If somebody breaks the rules then they have to expect to get punished for it.

    I must admit, having not read the rules and   I didn't know about this rule and Wgt should have given him/them a warning to stop what he/they were doing.

    Break the rules and you should expect to get punished if caught. 

    They should be back in a week or so (for me it would be a and be refreshed :)

    Pizza might be on Holidays or stuck in the ice on the Highways over


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:59 PM

    WGT should come forward and comment on this and declare their position to the community.

    Won't happen! Their "talking point" is only on the "video"!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 8:20 PM


    Buggyy was suspended for a violation of the terms and conditions.  If his or any of our accounts are permamently cancelled for violation of this, we are more than likely not entitled to any refund of any type.  The credits have no cash value and can not be transferred.   You can give anything you want to another player but based upon what I have seen you can not sell the credits by any means.

    What he said, in spades!  His nickle.


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 8:23 PM


    It seems as tho an infraction of the rules, t&c, has occured.  It matters not the reason why, unless mental illness is present, it did occur.  If several persons were involved then ALL should recieve a just punishment as determined by the ownership, management of this concern.  It is a privately owned and managed, or mis-managed enterprise.  What they do or not do is not of my concern.  If it is deemed by the membership to be unfair, or unjust fine, but I do believe that it was not an honorable thing to sell cedits.  thestrut said it.


    What he said, doubled!  His nickle.



  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 8:24 PM



    WGT will never eliminate this, but it is their new focus to be rid of the 'champions' as we know it and try to condition a whole new wave of people into a 'new' WGT  which will then take  1 - 2 years to have the SAME backhanded actions from WGT to this new wave.

    Shrude this is a bit of a silly comment I think, sorry.

    Bugyyyy and a few others broke the Rules that Wgt set.  Like it or not, If somebody breaks the rules then they have to expect to get punished for it.

    I must admit, having not read the rules and   I didn't know about this rule and Wgt should have given him/them a warning to stop what he/they were doing.

    Break the rules and you should expect to get punished if caught. 

    They should be back in a week or so (for me it would be a and be refreshed :)

    Pizza might be on Holidays or stuck in the ice on the Highways over


    What they said, tripled!.  Their nickle.



  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 10:20 PM

    well, if it's not stopped then some state or federal agency can pull the plug on this place faster than a blink.  Not sayin who's wrong or right, but if we want to kill this game then go sell credits on the open market and be brazen about it to boot.

    i'm neutral.......cuz i really don't care any more.  Just something to consider.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 3:52 AM

    well, if it's not stopped then some state or federal agency can pull the plug on this place faster than a blink.  Not sayin who's wrong or right, but if we want to kill this game then go sell credits on the open market and be brazen about it to boot.

    The day is coming. The day that I mentioned soooo long ago IS COMING. There will not be 1 person , company, group, LAW, etc,,etc,, to BLAME. It will be everyone to blame, (period). We'll come to the community to log in, one day soon I feel, and there will be NOTHING to log in to. OR - We will have to pay to get in, which I dont think will happen but what if a last resort? Who would pay a small fee? 

    Either way - dont tell me you cant feel the ship slooowly sinking. It sucks but I feel it to be true.

  • drakeshead
    285 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 4:34 AM

    Buggyyy was not the only one who advertised another Top Player was doing the same but I don't know if he got suspended and what happened to the people who bought the credits.

    This is getting out of control but I have a feeling that in February Wgt are going to do something very drastic.