duffer19:well, if it's not stopped then some state or federal agency can pull the plug on this place faster than a blink. Not sayin who's wrong or right, but if we want to kill this game then go sell credits on the open market and be brazen about it to boot.
The day is coming. The day that I mentioned soooo long ago IS COMING. There will not be 1 person , company, group, LAW, etc,,etc,, to BLAME. It will be everyone to blame, (period). We'll come to the community to log in, one day soon I feel, and there will be NOTHING to log in to. OR - We will have to pay to get in, which I dont think will happen but what if a last resort? Who would pay a small fee?
Either way - dont tell me you cant feel the ship slooowly sinking. It sucks but I feel it to be true.