Last one on this thread for sure. I don’t think it’s
complaining, much more what in my opinion would improve things. I do think L98
is a bit extreme for the R1 especially for TLs.
Maybe moving that down to say L95 AND / OR any TL would allow both good reward
for long service and something to really aim at for all Legends (to become a
Move the R11s down to say L92 and then the HL G20 stay where
it is but also accessible to any Legend, and so something to aim for again, and
real reward for a tier move. The R11
could stay roughly where it is?????
Things move on, and think the pro shop lacks balance in this
Iron wise I don’t think WGT are far off the mark, but obviously
always room for innovation…maybe a slightly improved G20 (G25 or whatever) is a
natural progression? But as say I do not feel WGT is too far off that area!
Little bit more choice and balance needed in my opinion that’s
all. I am not suggesting just give the shop
away! How I see it ...............many will agree and many I guess will not............Also fully accepted more thought needed but ..............