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Mon, Jan 9 2017 10:58 AM (20 replies)
  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2017 6:12 PM

    That happens when your posted score and current average is very nearly the same, Your current average is 62.21, so a nine hole score of 31 is likely not enough to show any change. It probably did lower it, just not enough to show when rounded.

    Score effect on average has been a little strange lately. I'm at 64.33, and often a round of 32 will not lower it, but then a round of 33 will. Which makes zero sense, but I can live with it. In any event, the only scores that are going to get me to the TL level are 30s and below.

  • Robert1893
    7,711 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2017 6:45 PM

    I just shot a 5 under round for front 9 at St. Andrews and did not receive ANY reduction in Handicap...that's just WRONG !!!

    Actually, it's probably not wrong. See explanation above.

    By the way, it's an average, not a handicap. Those are two distinct things. Also, as an aside, your average is not determined by + par; the average is determined by the raw score that you shot. 

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2017 10:59 PM

    @jumprock: Please refer to raw scores when talking about the average. In your case, it's a 31.

    (31 doesn't lower a 62.21 average)

    That happens when your posted score and current average is very nearly the same, Your current average is 62.21, so a nine hole score of 31 is likely not enough to show any change. It probably did lower it, just not enough to show when rounded.


    The nine hole score is doubled to 62, and in an unsaturated average of 43 or more scores, it may not show.

    .21/43 = .0049, which may stay under the rounding margin for the two-decimal display, though the average certainly crawled down a fraction.

    So, big things will happen after a few games. When you reach 50 scores, the average will come tumbling down, expelling all the former higher scores.


    Score effect on average has been a little strange lately. I'm at 64.33, and often a round of 32 will not lower it, but then a round of 33 will. Which makes zero sense, but I can live with it. In any event, the only scores that are going to get me to the TL level are 30s and below.

    For you, the "large number phenomenon" is even more in effect. Up to 500 scores are in the average pool, and if you cut off one stroke, it may show as -1/500 = -0.002 only - or not show due to rounding. Probably, all scores below 67 will have a mini effect, but you never know when the second digit is turned.

    Looking at the tier promotion, any pool of 500 scores forming a 60.000 average will work. Thus, a 59 will validate a 61, a 29=58 will validate a 31 or 62 etc.

    It's a long journey, so don't stare at the average too much - have fun!

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 8:31 PM

    It is utterly astonishing that many people are essentially basic math illiterate.

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2017 9:20 PM

    Don't be so tight A - non-linearity and big numbers are no part of basic math.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Sun, Jan 8 2017 1:42 PM

    Where's the Kleenex? I'll just stick with my abacus.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Jan 8 2017 2:09 PM

    Ok. Then lets say that common sense isn't all that common anymore. 

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Sun, Jan 8 2017 2:42 PM

    About as common as a chocolate fireguard A.

  • jumpjock
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 10:54 AM

    That makes perfect sense and thanks so much for explanation K7.


    All the best 



  • jumpjock
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 10:54 AM

    Now I understand..


    Thanks Robert