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Experience Points Earned

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Tue, Feb 12 2013 4:39 AM (13 replies)
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  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 1:12 PM

    What are Experience Points Earned?



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 2:33 PM


    experience points allow you to gain allows, thus unlocking higher end equipment.


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 2:56 PM

    I allow that being allowed to gain allows is nearly as good as being permitted to gain permits or cleared to gain clearances.

    What it really means is that the more you play, the more stuff you can buy. It isn't a linear curve, however. At low levels you get to buy more good stuff than you can use. At higher levels it means that you have to use stuff that isn't nearly as good as a sandbagger or total dork gets to have.

    There is a fine line between what maximizes profits and what is merely stupid. WGT does not see the line clearly.

  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 3:52 PM

    So, should you buy more stuff early in your experience with WGT.  How would you know what to buy just starting out?


    Thanks for your answer.


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 6:36 AM

    I consider distance, spin, precision and forgiveness. It's all purely personal preference. I give forgiveness a little more consideration than precision, maybe a half dot. I get as much distance as I can afford, except in wedges. I get as much spin as I can afford, except in wedges. 

    Essentially, I want as much carry as I can get without roll, because roll is less predictable. I want my wedges to stop but I could care less if they roll backwards (that's as bad as rolling forward).

    You can rent clubs and try them out, but that doesn't really tell you how they're going to do. It takes a while to acclimate to your new clubs and get the best from them. 

    Make an initial selection from a few and then ask in the forums before you buy, and read reviews. The top notch clubs are pretty well known.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 7:15 AM

    My advice would be to buy nothing until you reach the Master tier. The experience gained with the starter stuff is invaluable.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 7:18 AM

    I agree in general, bubba, but in one point I have a different view (pointed out by crossing out one word):

    At low levels you get to buy more good stuff than you can use.

    That said, the good stuff comes later, it's worthwhile to wait.

    My favourite line is "Wait until you don't stand the wait any more". You should also know that the courses become longer for Pros (your next advancement) and Masters. The latter may require extra consideration for strong clubs.

    By playing one or two strokeplay games every day(!) you may win one tier per day until in the mid 50 levels, and then you are close to level 59 where the G20s are released.

    Whether you want to buy something in between depends on your purse and on your eagerness. A budget solution might be to get the lvl 47 Rapture 3WD(!) as a driver replacement, the whole Rapture set is a good choice as are some other sets (G15 etc).

    My recommendation for your next buy would be two decent short wedges, lvl 29 Clevelands or better (lvl 42 Pings are budget-priced). They will certainly improve your short game tremendously!

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 11:21 PM

    Sit on your credits and learn the game first. Read here why.

    The tour pro set is the best preparation for the high level clubs you will want to end up with. I would get them and play them with the free ball until the high 70's level, where the good stuff starts to become available.


  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 3:15 PM

    Thanks for your advise.  It is funny that I seem to think that  my greatest need is more distance with my three woods (Stater Plus)..  Yet, every time I play, I have to admit to myself that they are my most realiable and dependable hits.

    Thanks for your coments.


  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 3:22 PM

    Thanks for your advse.  Sure is appreciated that the veterans are out there and willing to share their knowledge. 

    Just made the transition to PRO.  It turned out to be quite a speed hump. Changes in courses and playing conditions has a tendency to wake you u in a hurry. 

    Onward and upward. Great game.


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