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WGT Stop Scamming your customers!

Mon, Feb 9 2015 10:25 AM (64 replies)
  • mohaviegreen
    404 Posts
    Sat, Nov 16 2013 1:15 AM




    I mean give me a break , I played this game fotr like 2 weeks now an I garuntee it wasnt a misjudgment on my part. Save me the *** you are shoveling son. I understand how to play this game.
    something to consider, whether you think I'm shoveling it or not... after 2 weeks I 'garuntee' that it was a misjudgment on your part.

    Listen to Jake and the others who have put THOUSANDS of hours into this game.  They know what they are talking about.

    There is a steep learning curve to this game.


    these comments about this game shows how stupid golfers are to think this game is real,you have nothing to do with how far you hit the ball,you guys can't be that stupid.

    C'mon man, really? Stupid Golfers? You must think this is real too!!! We're not classified as GOLFERS, we're game players. For you to think we, that play this Game are GOLFERS and stupid, HA!!...HELLO GENIUS!!! What do you do on Just saying.

  • yupik
    15 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 11:42 AM

    this is Yupik glad to see your letter but it doesn`t matter.they like screwing with the shot meter as long as these dumb asses keep buying balls&clubs they keep oing it!!!

  • yupik
    15 Posts
    Wed, Mar 19 2014 6:35 PM

    this is Yupik I've been doing this for four years you would think they would let me play without screwing with the shot meter!!! by the way same clubs & golf ball!!!

  • shovlovin
    2,112 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 6:15 AM

    Well said mate.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 10:01 AM

    Yupik - they don't do anything to your meter. It's the same for everyone. The fact that you pop in and out  (2 rounds in the last 4 months) is an indicator that you aren't taking the time to follow the advise on how to make your meter better. Thousands of people are able to play this game with very few meter problems at all.

    The lack of play is also an indicator that you are not willing to take the time to really learn the game and instead choose to blame WGT for your inability to play the game well. Thousands of people have as evidenced by the many Legends and Tour Legends who continually post low scores and have low averages.

    The opportunity to optimize your meter and play the game better is there for you at no extra charge. Don't blame WGT for your unwillingness to use that opportunity.

  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 1:49 PM

    Well said ^^^^^^^^^ 

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:50 PM

    I read this thread and I ask myself  - I said " self - is this game an imitation of a real life game "  I responded to myself " well yes it is !! "  Now I consider all the info the OP has offered. He had only played this game for two weeks and became frustrated. The next question I asked myself was , " how long do you think the OP has played real life golf " I didn't get a response but I'm sure that it is more than 2 weeks. And I'm sure that they are learning new things every day. they don't call this a game of a lifetime for no reason !! However if you believe you know everything about real life golf (after 2 weeks) please sign me up for lessons. There are things you can do to improve your experience here - explore the forum for tips. Yes I was frustrated here for a while ( and still am on occasions ) but live and learn. Play often -have FUN !!

    Please take up cardiology and call me up in 2 weeks.    LOL    too funny !!!

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 4:16 PM

    I hate to burst every ones bubble , but this thread was posted in July of 2010 .The player who posted this hasnt played since October of 2010 . They quit a long time ago . It pays to read the initial post , and checking the date , before replying . :-)

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 4:31 PM

    good call , lots of people missed it. He's probably still alive under a different name practicing cardiology !!  Please call me I need a second opinion !

    Could these chest pains be caused by 2 weeks of virtual golfing ?