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How about having a personal bank?

Thu, Aug 1 2013 9:53 AM (14 replies)
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  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 3:54 PM

    Why WGT does not have a personal bank for each player, where you can add your credit card, paypal account, etc...

    So when you earn credits on tournaments and etc... you are able to transfer that money to your own account and withdraw if you want. Just like on Pokerstars wich I was used to play.

    I really think that way would be much more interesting to everybody and that would help also to have much more players.

    I think it's a shame if you earn your credits on tournaments or challenges you have to end up spending here, buying rounds to play golf somewhere for a high price and without the trip. Or spend 100.000 cr to receive a call from one of the founders. 

    I think doing that you could take off the free surveys and videos that doesn't work really well, but keep the free tournaments to give some credits for people who really have skills, that way wgt would make better money selling clubs, balls etc...

    But also make it cheaper, if it was cheaper I would buy much more than I do today.

    And please wgt that would bring more money for the company the players would be much happier to be able to withdraw some money when they want.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 3:59 PM

    Why WGT does not have a personal bank for each player

    Thanks for the suggestion


    Stay classy,


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 4:06 PM

    wouldn't bring a penny my way lol.  i need the surveys and videos :)  - suppose if earning credits through game play were the only way - many of us couldn't play much longer.  maybe that's a good thing? lol

    not a big fan of the potential of money laundering reaching wgt - restrictions would be rampant and multi accounting possibly worse.  

    selling credits would be the norm I think if this were to happen. 

    dunno, maybe i'm just paranoid

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 4:57 PM

    I understand what you're talking about duffer19, what I said it's just, let's say, an idea, I thought of that but that doesn't mean it has to be followed 100% like I described.

    If Wgt is opened to listen to us (players) and put together their group of people to read and discuss about what we think it should be good to make some changes on the game like I said.

    I think a bank would be a great thing.

    Even if they charge a low percetage to withdraw the money to your personal account. There are players with hundreds of thousands credits here.

    What they are going to do with those credits? Buy the phone call? Buy a round to play somewhere, but then, they have to buy a ticket to travel? I'm sorry but I think those are not prizes I woud buy.

    And nobody is going to spend like 300.000 cr just to have "lifetime" balls.

    Ok another idea, there are a lot of different clubs, irons, etc... I saw many of the oldest players using clubs, wedges, etc... that I never saw on the proshop for sale. I never saw any Callaway drivers, etc... so why not have more options of clubs, and make them cheaper the players would have much more options to choose what they think it's the best set for them.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 7:23 PM

    u might be on to something.  maybe sell a bank for 500,000 credits 

  • jbiscuit
    314 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 7:50 AM

    Set it to unlock on reaching TL, thereby providing an incentive and also the practical use of sandbagging at a stroke.

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 8:48 AM

    WGt will never let cash out of the system. If I were running the thing I sure would not...LOL

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 9:21 AM

    Well in my opinion it's a great idea, because when you enter on a tournament you have to pay 100cr for example, but you need 50 people for the tournament to start. So you have a purse of 5000cr the first place receives 1200cr and it follows the percentage till the last place.

    Ok, that means WGT is just giving to the winners the money that the players used to enter on the tournament, they are not taking money out of their system. They are just gathering the money to make the purse and giving to the winners.

    The money they retail is the money of products they sell, balls, clubs etc...ok?

    Now think if you'd be able to get your credits out to your paypal account or bank account, wouldn't you be practicing and playing much more to win as many tournaments as you can? Just to start making money out of it? I would. But for that of course you need to be using good equipment and balls. So the sales would raise much more due to the players being practicing much more and playing on tournaments too.

    That's what I see. I played Pokerstars for more than 3 years I have $1200 bucks waiting for me on my bank account at pokerstars. If I need to use it I can transfer to paypal or my bank account and spend the money. 

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 9:34 AM

    I play games since I was 4 years old, I had atari, nintendo 8bits, supernintendo, jaguar, 3do, playstation 1, 2 and 3, nintendo 64, cube, dreamcast, xbox, xbox360 and playing on computers since 1992. 

    So I have some ideas of how to make the game interesting for players and everybody else. Believe me, I only would buy a game for computer or something like that if I had really good reviews or if the advertisment was great. I've heard from a lot of players here that they were looking for another golf game to play on the internet, because on their opinion wgt wasn't paying attention to correct some bugs of the game, buft also they told me they would never spend a penny with wgt, why? Because there's no attraction. There's no benefit for them than the enternaiment, so why spend a lot of money just for entertainment?

    I understand their point, but I think having the bank that would make it much more interesting to eveybody and even these friends that they said would never spend a penny on the game. Believe me, if they had a chance to make a profit out of it, they would spend.

    I think I would be a great employee developing ideas for games. WGT hire me LOL....

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 11:01 AM

    . you are able to transfer that money to your own account and withdraw if you want. Just like on Pokerstars wich I was used to play.

    Last time I checked WGT!! does not let players to earn money from the game or cash out in any shape or form either via gift cards or selling of credits.

    WGT is all about WGT and the profit they make, WGT players come 2nd. Basically just like any other company. At one stage WGT did care about it`s players and If PP gets of the ground they may haft to change there practices.

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