courteneyfish: Just because someone has a high post count it doesn't necessarily mean they are a troll. Most of my posts come from my Country Club and those that don't are mainly to help others.
I have barely came across three or four of your comments and they always seemed kind of tough if not mean, not only to the original post but to the writer. Anyway, it's great to hear from you in such a sharing attitude.
courteneyfish: Humour varies between nationalities and the British variety does tend to sway towards sarcasm and deprication.
Humor has so many faces. More than 40% of my posts have been into humor, but knowing what you stated here, I always make sure to "laugh at myself, at human nature or any other thing but never at someone else's expense" ... that will always be offensive no matter what.
courteneyfish: I apologize if I upset you with my remark Quij but it was only in fun and I made sure it included a smiley to show that it was a light hearted comment
courteneyfish: I meant no offence and I hope you will accept my heartfelt apology.
I can accept very sincerely and happy an apology like that anytime COURTENEYFISH. Be blessed.