gr8flbob: , the diff between TM tournament and and Legend tournament is very slight ... and mainly shows in delicate downhill putts. I find I can use the same formula for all of the top 3 speeds
Which is probably why your one putt stat is so poor. There is around a 20% difference between TM and TL speeds.
Your bluntness is both refreshing and annoying, cfish. LOL! So far as your criticism of my 1-putt%, there are several factors:
1. It took me a long time to get a clue on distance control; my personal estimate of distance left after 1st putt (at this stage of my game development) is <2-3 ft for ~80% - 90% of that first putt. this tells me my distance control is decent.
2. My reads are a weak spot in my putting game - particularly long (>10 ft) breaking putts.
3. My GIR is 75% or so, but avg distance from pin is 17 ft., which loops me into factor 2 above.
4. A combination of (until recently) erratic meter - and an old fart's reflexes (not exactly fighter-jock quick, lol) contributes to the severity of factors 2 & 3 above.
All of the above factors mean that my personal stats data base has a ton of crappy play front-loaded over my first few years at WGT. It's going to take another ton of fairly decent play to bring my averages 'up to par', so to speak.
Sign me, "Going to hell in in a hand-bucket - but at least I'm enjoying the ride!"
(P.s. to Ms Fish: we've played 1 or 2 times and I enjoyed both games, regardless of simultaneously getting my Legend-hack butt kicked by your superior skills. My average distance from the pin for approaches is a bit more than 5 yds; yours were less than 2 yds or so. Enough said! )