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Note taking

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Sat, Feb 9 2013 9:45 AM (4 replies)
  • raymartin00
    22 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:27 AM

    Normal 0

    I have tried several methods of note taking.

     First I tried writing everything down prior to taking the shot. Location of ball, lie, distance to pin, wind speed and direction, elevation to pin (if approach shot). I would also write down club used, amount of spin and % of swing. Then if I hit the ding I would write down the location of the ball, distance traveled (both air and roll). This left a lot of info and time used for each shot. It was very difficult to decipher relevant information for subsequent shots unless I was very close to the same location.

     Next I tried playing a practice round where I would putt 8-9 times on each green. I would capture a screen shot or two (depending on camera views). I would mark them up showing ridges direction of rolls and where the best landing areas were for a given hole location. Again this was a lot of information that was difficult to digest. And why would I try and land 3 yards from the pin? I seem to do this quite well on my own without trying.

     On CTTH I started taking notes like how many yards to add or subtract for a particular hole and the amount of spin. Also the amount of power for some shots. This type of note taking seems to work well, but it is the same shot over and over again.

     I have learned so much about this game from this forum, but have not seen anything about note taking other then people stating that you need to take them. So could some of you share how you take notes and what is the relevant information for you? This is one part of my game that seems to be lacking (along with reading greens and not hitting the ding).

    Thank you,


  • greywolf134
    31 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 3:36 PM

    I Like to bump this thread because I am very interested in everyone of raymartin questions ??? Thanks ray and thanks in advance for all who answer..........

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:57 PM

    I keep several sets of data:

    1 for my gear - For each club, distances (carry and roll) for various spins applied, for all shot types. For each of these it's handy to know the effect not just from the fairway, but from the various depths of rough and sand.

    I am now adding data on the impact of intentional 'off-ding' hits - dist. lost, etc as I develop the ability to hit hooks, draws, pulls (all early hits) and pushes, fades, and slices. Why? because it's a tool to combat adverse winds and terrain. You can neutralize up to 20mph of crosswind with where you hit in that light blue region of the meter that is centered on the ding line, for example.

    Then there's course data, which OP talked about - preferred target areas for drives from various tees, best approach targets for each pin location, trouble spots, and 'gotchas' like strange OB regions.

    Here's an example from my Olympic course notes: viewtopic.php?f=86&t=10113

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 12:28 AM


    Here are my notes - entered in a spreadsheet, with each column filtered.

    (Right click to open in new tab to see more clearly)

  • raymartin00
    22 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 9:45 AM

    Thanks to the responders. I waited to reply in case someone else had more input.

    I already have a spreadsheet active whenever I play as I have my formulas in one. I have started using one very similar to the one DrussTheLegend showed. Added a couple columns (for crosswind) and rearranged the order a little. I'm using this one for my approach shots.

    I put in an additional sheet for putting. I still need to figure that one out. Like how to describe the conditions, calculations and results.

    Also need to see if an additional sheet will work for general notes and tee shots for par 4's & 5's like gr8flbob has.

    Looks like all I need to do now is learn how to putt and hit the ding. simple.

    Thanks again to the responders, your information was of great value to me.
