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*** Meter Hold-time Update ***

Wed, Jun 12 2013 6:31 PM (80 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 4:11 AM

    Like I asked at the beginning of this post, what will happen now? My meter has lost it's mind. Skip, skip, flutter, zinnnngggg. How many new Nikes need sacrificed in the name of WGT is trying something and looking for feedback. While your experimenting again, drop the wear on balls, and return all lost balls immediately until you get your feedback The first one I lose due to this NEW meter issue, I will post a thread that will surely get me banned from this game. WE, the paying customer, should not have to pay for your answers.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 4:20 AM

    Chrome? Pepperflash?

    Has become worse an issue than before - it re-activates itself apparently.


    The preliminary outcome for me (only a few single games, not a full day, no MPs) is that the meter is better than before (FF, Flash 10.3).

    1,141 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 5:52 AM

    REN .. 

    i see u are upset... why not get some one to help u fix yer meter ??  lots of folks here are willing to help ??? 

    use skype or HEK get on the fone.. .. ask a neibor computer geek kid .(ANYTHING !). its just really NOT that hard to FIX man .. 

    takes less time than it does type out a whinny rant .. that fix's nothing at all 

    good luck ... anyway 


  • fdmajorpain
    11 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 8:43 AM

    i personally think the meter needs more time then 15 sec. when you trying to ajust

    a shot ,my meter ,mouse is a bit touchy & sometimes before you get to key spot

    on meter it starts & now you have to start all over again .very frustrating for me.


    I'm sorry I'm not as fast as you expect me to be with the meter.


  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 10:39 AM

    I wonder if this is to thwart a certain non-kosher element of the game?

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 2:11 PM

    I'm not ranting 2D. Just stating what I'm seeing. It's all good my friend, I have come to expect the unexpected, and I just keep on trucking. Nothing to get my nads in knot. about.

    63 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 2:12 PM

    I know im new here.

    But for the life of me i can't understand needing 15-18 seconds to swing.

    I look at distance yard's wind and i GUESS the best shot with human only tool's = eye's and hand's no reference material. Note's taken as you play are welcome and needed as you LEARN by doing and know how and why. 90 seconds needed? i think not.

    Yep i play about par-2 over golf im here only a few weeks

    but i play it honest and raw no "little helpers" as well i use about 5-8 seconds top's to get my power meter set before downswing. most times 20-30 seconds is used total to my shot's. as i get better gear i will expect my score to settle in even to 2 under par. this is time vs practice and learning. as with the gear i have now dropped my average over 10 points.

    "grip it and rip it" people. 

    I welcome 30 second timers overall and 10 second back swing swing rule. it should not take over 2 hours to play 9 holes of golf with a group. If you need that much time to check your (2nd party) software game helper you might want to have him sign your scorecard for you as hes done all the work.

    (wait's to hear the gripe's)





  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 9:27 PM

    I think with all the complaints of meter troubles and disconnects, may be caused be internet/isp lag. I have never see anything in the forums about this. What we need is a survey of ping times from a large group of players to see if their is a problem in this area. This needs to be held by WGT. I probably will show some surprising result, such as server problem and/or server overloading. It need to include isp address, time of ping and at least 4 pings, and may need some other info from members.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 9:44 PM

    For what it's worth with meter

    I use the Max balls...  meter is fine .....  I decided to get a pack of the new Nikes .... my goodness, meter stuttering, stopping to a dead stop....  just about every shot. 

    WD from comp... changed back to the Max's and meter was fine...hmmm, interesting

    Edit... I should say too...  the normal Nikes I was using before the Max's had the same meter problem.


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 10:28 PM


    REN .. 

    i see u are upset... why not get some one to help u fix yer meter ??  lots of folks here are willing to help ??? 

    use skype or HEK get on the fone.. .. ask a neibor computer geek kid .(ANYTHING !). its just really NOT that hard to FIX man .. 

    takes less time than it does type out a whinny rant .. that fix's nothing at all 

    good luck ... anyway 


    Wow, heard of "spellcheck"?