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*** Meter Hold-time Update ***

Wed, Jun 12 2013 6:31 PM (80 replies)
  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 11:14 PM



    REN .. 

    i see u are upset... why not get some one to help u fix yer meter ??  lots of folks here are willing to help ??? 

    use skype or HEK get on the fone.. .. ask a neibor computer geek kid .(ANYTHING !). its just really NOT that hard to FIX man .. 

    takes less time than it does type out a whinny rant .. that fix's nothing at all 

    good luck ... anyway 


    Wow, heard of "spellcheck"?


    He googled spulljek but couldn't find anything, wonder why? ;)

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 11:27 PM

    Wow, heard of "spellcheck"?

    Here wave this next time ;-)

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 11:31 PM

    Can I order this badge (or is it batch :) somewhere ?



  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 12:29 AM


    Hi everyone,

    We have made a chance to how meter is working, so I wanted to explain what it does and why.

    We have seen a number of errors in the game when players hold the swing meter too long without swinging so in order to fix those issues we implemented a maximum hold-time for the swing meter.   Right now it is set to 15 seconds.  We will evaluate to make sure this fixes the errors we have seen and will adjust accordingly.  Plus, it will also help speed up game play a bit which is always a good thing.


    Sometimes I put the mouse cursor over the swing meter and let it sit without holding the mouse button.   Especially on the green, where I want to reset the putting grid so I can go cross eyed on the green watching those damn dots.  Will your new parameter impact the meter If I do this.

  • peteduffer
    48 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:20 PM

    It is not only the meter speeding up we pay top money for max balls that fly like they're 10 cent balls sometimes. then a couple guys I've talk to are having a problem with Robitussin ad popping up as your hitting along with one or two more ad's That you can't be blaming on our computers that is on your side. Along with once again taking surveys that you finished and you don't get the credits which i reported to peanuts and no results.


  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:46 PM

    yeah it's bad, but even before they made the adjustment I noticed that some tourneys the meter as fine go to another and meter went nuts, I mean cant even play the game. Asked for my creds back on that one.(haha) But when I go to anothr tourney the meter is fine. For me the meter is weird anyway. Pretty simple set up I have here. Here's another thing, When I'm typing here on the forums, the keboard don't work rght. You may notice some missing letters here and there. That only happens o this site, only here. Is that weird or what?

  • BlackGibbon
    349 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 9:16 PM

    Do most men on wgt suffer from "man periods"?

             p.s no spellcheck needed!!!!


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 9:26 PM


    Here's another thing, When I'm typing here on the forums, the keboard don't work rght. You may notice some missing letters here and there. That only happens o this site, only here. Is that weird or what?

    If you change to the Maxthon browser this problem will be cured instantly. :-)


  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 9:35 PM

    I heard if you phone Mr WGT you get a smooth meter and no VEM.